Casa de Fora

Gentle Tourism in a treehouse made from CLT
Laura Sophie Ella Katharina Gämmerler
Education degree
Architecture and Design
Spatial Design


The continously shifting understanding of nature’s value is guiding life quality standards. Following natural systems and creating a life in balance with the environment is becoming an important driver for architectural practicies. The aspect of nature closeness gains attraction due to the awareness on personal health, happiness and a balanced lifestyle.

Casa de Fora is a project that aims to adress these topics in relation to gentle tourism by creating a more symbiotic relationship between people and nature through the design of a treehouse integrated into the context of the "Montado", the local landscape of the region of Alentejo in the south of Portugal. Concerning the anthroposcene's issues of resource scarcity, deforestatition and loss of biodiversity, it explores sustainable building through the example of Cross Laminated Timber (CLT). The project takes it outset in the CLT producer Arolla in Portugal who aims to showcase their product of CLT in relation to the companys philosophy of creating a beautiful life in close connection to nature. Therefore, the focus is on a humble design of a treehouse adapting to its natural environment. On the basis of creating a harmonious coexistence of nature and the human being, the project particularly explores the aspect of “being under the tree” and inhabiting the space beneath and around it. Here, the concept is the tree to be seen as the housewhilst the individual cabins of inhabitation represent the “rooms” of the treehouse.



The Royal Danish Academy supports the Sustainable Development Goals

Since 2017 the Royal Danish Academy has worked with the Sustainable Development Goals. This is reflected in our research, our teaching and in our students’ projects. This project relates to the following UN goal(-s)