Algae based polymer – transition towards biomaterial design

Antonio Scaffidi

How can we meet the demand for polymers with smarter biobased designs?

This ongoing project investigates the circumstances for obtaining sustainable alternatives to the petrol-based polymers (plastic) commonly used in consumer goods.

The project aims to raise awareness of our challenges with “Novel Entities”, and illustrates, how material design can provide ways to investigate and pursue smarter alternatives aimed at increasing the demand for these materials. The project showcases a running photo-bioreactor – a self-contained system of water, algae and light – which cultivates biomass, the first steps in creating bio-based polymers.

Today, bio-based polymers are mostly plant-based cellulose from agriculture. However, new models of responsible biomass cultivation are needed to replace the vast quantities of petrol-based polymers without increasing the use of farmland for non-food purposes.