Between Health and Assembly — A House for Men

Alda Sigurdsdóttir Lamhauge, Emilie Kjærgaard Hauge

Can architecture make it easier to create new relationships and take better care of your health?

Many men find that they do not have any close relationships. In Denmark, this is especially evident in rural areas, where there is an overrepresentation of single, unskilled men. Compared to the rest of the country, men from rural areas score particularly badly in statistics on life expectancy, abuse and loneliness.

Men generally make less use of their networks and of healthcare. This project seeks to normalise the act of asking for and receiving help. It rethinks the traditional architectural framework, in which people normally encounter the healthcare system. Merging social, health and activity functions, and moderating the boundaries between them can form a setting for safe communities. Discussion can then occur and help create a less black-and-white picture of the male role in 2022.

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