
Josephine Bourghards, Emma Khan Forbæk Doolan
Student project
Plejehjem Parkvænget / Parkvænget nursing home

How can design contribute to wellbeing?

We experience the world through our senses, which are central to understanding oneself and the surroundings, as well as of fundamental importance to well-being.

‘Nærvær’ is a weighted blanket which combines aesthetics, functionality, and flexibility. It is a personal product that appeals to the senses and can be used in multiple everyday settings. Tactile surfaces, pressure and weight effectively create body awareness, reducing anxiety. The blanket is designed to increase health, wellbeing, and flexible use for dementia patients, while also addressing todays increasing mental health issues such as stress and depression.

Through tactile patterns, materiality, and expression it is distanced from typical aids and can benefit a wide range of people.
