“Fucking Jävla Kuk-Kinship”

Maibritt Marjunardóttir
Education degree
Architecture and Design
Fashion, Clothing and Textiles
Danske Kunsthåndværkere og Designeres Legat

after having spent most of my life trying to escape the fact that I am from the Faroe Islands and denying that my heritage and where I come from has any influence on who I am as a designer, I have now experienced how the last five years of my design education, has pushed me to the realisation that it has in fact affected everything that I am and do as a creating individual.
This revelation has left me with internal division and a feeling of always being a bit off, both wanting to fit in and stand out at the same time, and the process of making my MA graduation collection “Fucking Jävla Kuk-Kinship” has therefore become a kind of self examination. A study in acceptance, of finding my way back home after having tried to escape for so long.
It has become an investigation of how I can unite these two worlds, the tradition and cultural heritage which I come from, and the more modern context in which I wish to position myself as a designer. And by doing so, bridging tradition and modernity, I can make connections between the past, my history and heritage, with the present and the future, and thus try to shape the forms of tomorrow through the wisdom of the old.



Danske Kunsthåndværkere og Designeres Legat

Juryen sagde: "Maibritt har i sin afgangskollektion taget udgangspunkt i klassiske strikmønstre og -teknikker fra Færøerne, som hun genfortolker til det store heavy metal miljø på øerne, som hun selv tilhører og tilskriver sig rent stilmæssigt. Kollektionen er primært udført i færøsk uld samt tynde reb og alternative materialer som VHS-filmstrimler. De anvendte teknikker tæller væv samt strikteknikker; primært det klassiske færøske stjernemønster samt hulstrik- og blondestrik."