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Design Anthropological Futures

13.08.2015 - 14.08.2015
08:30 - 17:00
Bygning 90
Fabrikmestervej 90
1437 Copenhagen K

Den 13.-14. august afholder forskningsnetværket Research Network for Design Anthropology den afsluttende konference i en serie på fire konferencer. Forskningsnetværket er et samarbejde mellem KADK, Aarhus Universitet og Syddansk Universitet. Konferencen foregår på engelsk.


Closing Conference: Design Anthropological Futures

Design Anthropological Futures explores future-making from a design anthropological perspective. The concept of futures relates both to the creation of visions and practices of the possible through transformative processes of anthropology and design, and to the exploration of new frontiers for the field of design anthropology.

Live steam: Conference - The Design Anthropological Futures


We're sold out - but join us on Twitter
The conference is sold out, and it's no longer possible to register. Keep an eye out for live streaming of the content on this website. Everyone are welcome to contribute via Twitter #designanthroresearch

About the Research Network for Design Antropology
Representing an encounter between two distinct disciplines, the field of design anthropology is in the process of being established. The Research Network for Design Anthropology is a collaboration between The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Aarhus University, and the University of Southern Denmark, funded for two years by the Danish Research Council. We invite researchers from both Denmark and abroad to identify the potentials and challenges of this emerging field. The network explores important emerging modes of knowledge production within design anthropology, yet with constructive implications for both disciplines.

To this end the network has convened three open seminars: 
1) Ethnographies of the Possible
2) Interventionist Speculation
3) Collaborative Formation of Issues

The closing conference brings together contributions from the seminars and from a broad international audience on August 13-14, 2015 in Copenhagen.