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Bruges til grafiske elementers tilstand


09:15 - 16:30
Auditorium 1, Festsalen
Danneskiold-Samsøes Allé 51
1435 København K

CINARKs medarbejdere Anne Beim, Thomas Bo Jensen, Ulrik Stylsvig Madsen og Tenna Beck er en del af den tværinstitutionelle forskergruppe Mod en Tektonisk Bæredygtig Byggekultur, som i løbet af 2012 har inviteret internationalt anerkendte arkitekter til diskussioner om hvordan man kan fremme en stærkere tektonisk bevidsthed i arkitekturen. 

Den 1. november 2012 afholdes symposiet TOWARDS an ECOLOGY of TECTONICS hvor diskussionerne vil have fokus på tektonisk praksis og tænkning i arkitektur.

An ecological understanding of the world links the well-being of the individual to the conditions of its surrounding environment. How can this understanding form the basis of an architectural practice that integrates ecological principles in order to construct a meaningful cultural framework of  the everyday life? Could this lead to A NEW KIND OF CULTURE BASED ON ECOLOGICAL VALUES?

New technologies focusing on high-level energy performance play a central role in the general endeavours to meet the demands of a more sustainable building practice. How do architects ensure that these technologies and the performative aspects become an integrated part of the building design, and that they support the tectonic intention of the building. In other words, how can TECHNOLOGY BE SEEN AS AN INTEGRATED PART OF THE WHOLE BUILDING?

Todays building industry is facing a major transformation into even more industrialised building processes. Can we meet these challenges by focusing on the tectonic potentials embedded in present building principles, and by doing this, can we then maintain MAKING AS THE VERY CORE OF ARCHITECTURAL PRACTICE?

Meet the international theoreticians:
DAVID LEATHERBARROW, Professor at University of Pennsylvania School of Design
JONATHAN HALE, Associate Professor at the University of Nottingham
FREDRIK NILSSON, Professor at Chalmers University of Technology

in discussion with three prominent representatives from the Danish architectural profession:
NATALIE MOSSIN, President of the Danish Architects’ Association
SØREN NIELSEN, Partner at the architectural office Tegnestuen Vandkunsten A/S
LARS JUEL THIIS, Partner at CUBO Architects A/S

The symposium will be chaired by ANNE BEIM, Professor at KADK and the final discussion will be moderated by BIJOY JAIN, Founder and Partner of the architectural office Studio Mumbai.

The symposium is linked to the symposium TECTONIC Practice and Thinking held in April 2012.
The outcome of the two symposia will be part of an anthology, which is planned to be published in the spring of 2013.

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