A Textile Academy in Valdres

Rebekka Pettersen
Bygningskunst og Teknologi
Bosætning, Økologi og Tektonik

Innovation through Tradition. A space for research and experimentation of textiles based on local resources, namely wool and textile-waste, uniting traditional craftmanship and modern technology. By weaving itself into the urban fabric of Fagernes, a cluster of buildings form a pedestrian street, redefining the relationship between the town and its natural surroundings.

Textile waste, wool and the Norwegian landscape. Contributing to global challenges on a local scale.
Fagernes is today centered around the automobile, dominated by parking areas and wide roads, turning its back against the waterfront. By redefining the vertical connections, the academy aims to strengthen the relationship between the town its natural surroundings.
Observations and Strategies
The academy facilities the entire textile production process: deconstructing, washing, drying, carding, spinning, coloring and weaving.
The project is conceived as five buildings with separate functions. The buildings expose the research and experimentation, tools and materials, to the public eye, creating awareness and appreciation for textiles.
Building Program
Plan and section drawings. The buildings form a new pedestrian street understanding the academy as a part of the town, and visa versa. Inspired by the oldtown, the space between the buildings create niches, alleyways, squares and courtyards, breaking down the scale and making the academy accessible and attractive to the public.
The Textile Academy
A closer look at the two main buildings in the academy.

The Materialbank is a colossal shelf storing resources in different states: from raw wool to finished textiles. With its minimal footprint centered around an elevator core, the tower makes the resources easily accessible.

The Makerspace is a an open structure for experimentation, development and design of textiles through weaving, knitting, sewing ect. The ground floor hosts a wide range of production equipment from traditional looms to 3D-knitters. While upper levels, centered around an atrium, offer areas for education and concentration, while making the user present and observant.
Materialbank and Makerspace
The Academy lies as an extension of Gullsmedvegen, by creating a new pedestrian street and framing the recreational space by the waterfront, The Textile Academy redefines the relationship between the town and natural surroundings.
The Academy in Context

Det Kongelige Akademi understøtter FN’s verdensmål

Siden 2017 har Det Kongelige Akademi arbejdet med FN’s verdensmål. Det afspejler sig i forskning, undervisning og afgangsprojekter. Dette projekt har forholdt sig til følgende FN-mål