Energy storage - collective resource consciousness

Stendepoter som forening af menneske og ressource på Frederiksberg Hospital
Sheila Koyo Møller
Bygningskunst og Teknologi
Bosætning, Økologi og Tektonik

Energy storage - energy storage as a collective awareness of resources

In our daily lives, we rely on vast networks of resources that support essential functions in our society. These networks connect us with each other and the world around us, but they often go unnoticed. As our energy consumption grows, the physical impact of our consumption becomes less visible. Power plants, data centers, and other facilities are situated far from urban areas and designed for machines rather than human interaction. We receive our energy through underground tunnels, and apart from the occasional bill, we rarely confront the reality of our consumption. This lack of visibility makes it challenging to critically engage with the phenomenon. Perhaps it's time for a built environment that bridges the gap between ourselves and our consumption, especially in the Anthropocene era.

Through the establishment of three energy storage facilities at Frederiksberg Hospital, this project aims to create a new type of building that encourages interaction between people and energy. Each building includes a stone energy storage unit that utilizes excess heat for various activities requiring warmth, such as workshops, food production, and heated baths. This concept introduces a fresh approach to neighborhood houses where humans coexist with machines, giving our energy consumption a physical presence in our city and in our consciousness.

This project is done with Majse Marie Nørhald.

Situation Model 1:500
Arrival towards the Energy storages
Plan, Værkstedshus 1:200
Section and Elevation, Værkstedshus 1:50
Plan, Madhus 1:200
Section and Elevation, Madhus 1:50
Plan, Badhus 1:200
Section and Elevation, Badhus 1:50
Detail of the tectonic similarities between the 3 facades, Tree, Glas, Textile
Studies of existing utility buildnings
Gasregulator, Bellahøj, Hans Christian Hansen, 1968
Bremerholm Transformerstation, Hans Christian Hansen, 1963
Brønshøj Vandtårn, Ib Lunding og Poul Holsøe, 1928
Transformerstation Brønshøj, Louis Hygorm, 1942
Ventilbygning Tinghøj Vandreservoir, Ib Lunding, 1943
Slangerup Vandværk, Ove Huus, 1954
Studies, External context
Studies, Internal context

Det Kongelige Akademi understøtter FN’s verdensmål

Siden 2017 har Det Kongelige Akademi arbejdet med FN’s verdensmål. Det afspejler sig i forskning, undervisning og afgangsprojekter. Dette projekt har forholdt sig til følgende FN-mål


I motivationen lyder det bla.: "Projektet er et ligeværdigt samarbejde imellem to teoretisk og designmæssigt meget stærke studerende, der har lavet projekter sammen tidligere. Det er funderet på grundig research med DTU’s forskere som informanter. Som en del af processen er der desuden foretaget analyser af historiske forsyningsanlægs arkitektur med henblik på at afkode den tekniske bygningskunsts æstetik og udnytte den i udformningen af den nye energibrøndstypologi. ...Der er tale om et meget modent, nysgerrigt og modigt studie, der bygger bro mellem såvel ingeniør- og arkitektdiscipliner som fortid og fremtid, og som giver et optimistisk og løfterigt konkret eksempel på, hvordan den grønne omstillings nødvendighed kan forvandles til et socialt aktiv."