Save up with your cup

Graphic Communication Design
Projekt af
Hyeri Kim, Roberta Leoni, Stine Schønwandt Juhl

Save up with your cup is a proposal for a visual campaign aimed at reducing the number of disposable cups used at KADK.

Every year, 500 billion disposable cups are produced and thrown away globally, equivalent to using 15 billion litres of water, cutting down 1.2 billion trees, and emitting 55 billion kgs of CO2.

The visual campaign addresses hot-beverage drinkers at KADK, whose weekly use of disposable cups is estimated at 4,000.

The campaign uses different media to raise awareness of the issue and encourage people at KADK to change their behaviour about how to use disposable cups to reduce their global footprint. We want to start the change locally and hopefully be an inspiring example for other institutions and make a difference on a bigger scale.
