DEPARTURE – Arriving as Future Citizens

Mathilde Marie Huss-Hansen
Visuelt Design
Graphic Communication Design

"Citizenship is a ticket to life that can place you in first class, business, economy light – or indeed outside the plane"

- Dimitry Kochenov, Citizenship (2019)

There is an increasing number of war and climate refugees in the world, who are in need of new citizenship. The current system only favors some groups of the world"s entire population, giving them the privilege to easily relocate when necessary. Our project is focusing on creating awareness about citizenship inequality as well as speculating about how the future of citizenship could look like. Explore more about the current state of inequality and the future alternatives of citizenship on

The project is made in collaboration with Linh Dieu Vu Pham.

The Now & The Future

DEPARTURE consists of a campaign, displaying statements that oppose the current situation, the now, and a website that elaborates the research behind each statement as well as proposing four scenarios for the future. Additionally, the campaign is advocating for the ideal potential scenario.


The campaign statements are based on our key findings which are the most important to highlight.

Current Crisis
Current Crisis
Current Inequality
Current Misconception
Current Privilege
Future Aspirations - Multilingual
Future Aspirations - Multilingual


The strategy and aim for the campaign is to transform the official language of passports, invade the space at Copenhagen Airport and expose the problems within the global system of citizenship.




 Explore the research and future scenarios.

Future Scenarios

Four different speculative scenarios as possible alternatives to the current reality of citizenship: Transaction, Interflex, Segregation and Boundless. The scenarios are based on our research, past and current events hence they are not entirely fictional. Each scenario is represented by a symbol, map and passport artifact.

Scenario Transaction
Scenario Transaction
Scenario Interflex
Scenario Interflex
Scenario Segregation
Scenario Segregation
Scenario Boundless
Scenario Boundless

Det Kongelige Akademi understøtter FN’s verdensmål

Siden 2017 har Det Kongelige Akademi arbejdet med FN’s verdensmål. Det afspejler sig i forskning, undervisning og afgangsprojekter. Dette projekt har forholdt sig til følgende FN-mål


Juryen sagde: " The graduation project deals with the issue of citizenship, including the opportunities and obstacles we as citizens have, depending on the country in which our passport is issued. 


Through a very focused work effort, a comprehensive speculative design solution has been created, which proposes four possible scenarios for how we in the future may address this agenda. The solution is a model for a thorough research, adequate theoretical argumentation unfolded in a visual design of very high quality."