Architecture as Circular Metabolism

Ananyabrata Ghosh
Bygningskunst og Teknologi
Computation in Architecture

This ongoing research and design project on one hand wants to demonstrate how a symbiotic relationship between plants, humans, and other organisms creates a better living space for everyone. On the other hand, it wants to showcase the possibilities of promoting circular economy to create lesser environmental impact reflected in the design of the material system with recycled and local materials.

Circular metabolism: Every organism, material, space has its own rhythm of change. They are all interconnected. All of them together create a circular system around nature's orchestra.
Project Structure: This project wants to explore the benefits of multi-species cohabitation and re-cycling of materials with the help of a modular wood system. A multi-functional greenhouse design for an artist's community had been chosen as a design case for this exploration.
This proposed app helps the residents to get to know different informations regarding the greenhouse, remotely. It is a guide for every individual to take care of the space and the organisms inside according to their need.
Greenhouse Care App
Annual Indoor Micro Climate Analysis : Detailed microclimate analysis helps to locate suitable areas for different plants and other organisms according to their comfort parameters.
The main focus of this multi-purpose space is adaptability. Transformation of the interior and exterior set up according to the changes of weather and activities are addressed with a modular system.
Adaptable Setup in Different Seasons
Recycled windows need extra care when it comes to refitting. Different packing algorithms help to make decisions about window tiling patterns on a wall from a library of collected windows.
Wall System with Recycled Windows

Det Kongelige Akademi understøtter FN’s verdensmål

Siden 2017 har Det Kongelige Akademi arbejdet med FN’s verdensmål. Det afspejler sig i forskning, undervisning og afgangsprojekter. Dette projekt har forholdt sig til følgende FN-mål