Maternity in prison

Embracing Humanity: A spatial resolution for the mexican prison

Daniela Barrera
Bygningskunst, By og Landskab
Urbanism and Societal Change

The Mexican prison system, influenced by a machista mindset, violates women’s rights. Most female inmates are held in mixed prisons without appropriate areas or services for women or mothers, and they suffer physical and psychological abuse. The 500 children living with their mothers in prison face precarious conditions, constant hostility, and daily violence, severely affecting their development and future personalities. 

The project aims to protect the human rights of female inmates and their children, which are inalienable, recognizable, and claimable guarantees. Through gradients of freedom, the proposal explores a new model of active social reintegration, emphasizing nature as the primary element of containment, care, and reflection.

History shows us the evolution of penitentiary architecture as a response -local and diverse- to the conception of punishment or sentence.

At the national and international level, there is a set of laws that promote humane treatment and dignified life in prisons, in addition to protecting the rights of mothers and their children in prison. In Mexico, these laws are spatialized through a project called "proyecto tipo" (standard penitentiary project), established in 1974.

Unfortunately, the "type project" follows a male model that punishes, represses and violates all the rights of women and their children in prison.

National & international ideologies and laws about prison
Time line - National & international ideologies and laws about prison

As opposite to the 1974 male model, which does not spatialize the laws, social reintegration takes place outside prison. The new space resolution advocates reintegration from prison in an active form.

For active reintegration to take place, it will be necessary to move from the 1974 male model (total security VS total freedom). To the gradient of freedoms between society and prison.

This will allow us to find the tangential frictions between prison and total freedom, and it is here where the communities take on a significant role, since by sharing with the women and their child, they will be actively and gradually integrating them into society.

To redefine the contemporary meaning of punishment where deprivation is synonymous of a wall. It brings us back to nature, as a space for reflection, contention and care.  In other words, women who broke the law should be deprived of their freedom as dictated by the constitution, however, these spaces of contention can be directed to nature, so that through it, women and their children can return to society.

The site is an inactive volcano that will allow articulating the gradient between isolation and active social reinsertion. The more private isolation focused on reconnection through nature and the relationship with the city as active reinsertion for the return to social life.

This site meets three main necessary criteria: connecting roads, Natura-Culture status and proximity to an active community.
Amecameca, State of Mexico - Site

1. The proposal seeks a place between nature and culture // 2. Through gradients of freedom // 3. Which should already respond to the subdivision by groups according to the defined program // 4.That are the three groups mentioned // 5. That through circulation at different levels, it will connect the gradients and their relationship with the urban context // 6. This circulation will be articulated by patios connectors // 7. Which, in turn, will be related to different programs where coexistence is necessary // 8. Once the principles have been established, the project will be integrated into nature // 9. And it will be adapted to the topography to blend in with the landscape // 10. And in the openings of the patios and program, we will be able to give light and shadows to the interior // 11. Finally, the project will be connected at some points with the city to maintain active social reintegration.

Conceptual drawings
Conceptual drawings

On the outside, the building merges with the immediate landscape and reacts to the city by integrating its walls with the landscape, so that the form of the building is created from the natural/topographical lines of the landscape, and shapes the function of the program.

On the outside, the building merges with the immediate landscape and reacts to the city through the integration of its walls with the landscape
Site plan

Security was resolved under the concept of gates, that is, two walls confine you without the need for the high walls characteristic of today's prisons, and the courtyard is the three-dimensional connector that takes you from one level to another. It is the lock that prevents you from moving through the different levels of security, because of its role as a connector or distributor.

In the general plan, the shape of the building is formed from the natural/topographical lines of the landscape, and gives form to the function of the program.
General Plan

Being close to the city, the building takes the materiality of the environment and through rammed earth walls contains the entire program, opening to the city through squares that will connect with the community.

Axonometric - Conexion with communities
Axonometric - Conexion with communities

With this integration, the building seeks to adapt in a friendly way to what exists today, renaming the preconceived physical limits as a synonym of justice.

Integration of the building in its context - night
Integration of the building in its context - night
Integration of the building in its context - day
Integration of the building in its context - day

It is in these plazas (as in other spaces within the building) that, through agriculture, workshops, markets, the inmates and their children will engage with the community.

Main entrance
Main entrance
Community Plaza: where agriculture, workshops, markets, interns and their children will engage with the community.
Community plaza

In the interior, the program contained by nature, seeks different dialogues between the natural tectonics and the built, and will be transformed into spaces that look inward (nature), towards the culture (city) or towards the sky.

Internal Axonometric
Axonometric - Program functionality

The two typologies of cells dialogue differently, under the same principle: maximize the interior space for the child and that it can be a flexible space for different uses according to the age of the child, so in both cases the program is compacted on the sides.

the program seeks different dialogues between the natural tectonics and the built environment
Cell hallway
Women mothers deprived of their liberty, who have to be more isolated because of their sentence, will be in a space related to nature.
Isolated cell
Cell for inmates awaiting sentencing
Cell for inmates awaiting sentencing

Inside, the openings of the courtyards and the connection of the spaces respond to different needs of the program itself, for example, the cells acquire a more contemplative role, the visitors' area a transitory space, or the playground where the search for colors and its view of the sky seek to maintain the sensitivity of the children.

Visitors Area
Visitors area

Det Kongelige Akademi understøtter FN’s verdensmål

Siden 2017 har Det Kongelige Akademi arbejdet med FN’s verdensmål. Det afspejler sig i forskning, undervisning og afgangsprojekter. Dette projekt har forholdt sig til følgende FN-mål

I am a Mexican architect with experience since 2014, during which I have shaped my understanding of my role as an architect. In the studio I founded in Mexico City, I have had the opportunity to create proposals of various scales and typologies. For each project, regardless of the program, site, or client, I have aimed to design through associative and critical thinking, considering social, political, economic, and environmental dimensions.

My reflections on designing with equity and the impact of architecture on the lives of territories, cities, and users led me to apply for the Master's program in Urbanism and Social Change. During this program, I was able to reflect and work in various fields from an academic, reflective, critical, and sensitive perspective.

Konkurrencer, publikationer og priser

Pavilion Mextropoli Arquine-Mexico City *In collaboration with Alexander J. Garduño & Veronika Kudriashova

Presented a Pavilion proposal for a public space aimed at creating interaction between architecture and citizenship, by analyzing different projects designed to raise awareness of climate change, comparing projects built with an ecological impact, and researching linear and systemic thoughts.

Oscar Hagerman Award 2019; Mitla, State of Oaxaca, Mexico *In collaboration with Brenda Solano and Adriana Otero

Won Honorable Mention in the contest by presenting the master plan through collaborating with different professionals to analyze demographics, climate, vegetation, hydrology, topography; digitizing the generated proposal; supporting on content generation; and restructuring sheets.

Water Pavillion Arquine; Mexico City *In collaboration with Ing. Ansberto Cruz

Participated by conceptualizing the process of capturing, conduction, treatment and use of rainwater to digitize and scale all the sketches and working schemes.
Uddannelse og relevante kurser

MA in Urbanism & Societal Change - Det Kongelige Akademi


Bachelor of Architecture _ Universidad Iberoamericana


Diploma: The Renaissance, art, architecture and magic. A vision of the Renaissance in the spirit of Aby Warburg - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Category: Education

Proposed and carried out two master plans for projects aimed at building educational spaces for students, faculty, and administrative staff, taking into account the growth in student enrollment, curricula, and construction in stages to ensure optimal development of the campuses.
• Defined the architectural program according to the study plans, designing the design strategy in the master plans for its execution in the construction phases.
• Led working groups of 13 external specialists and 6 to 8 internal architects to ensure that the design and technical solutions were contemplated and complied with the best technical and architectural standards.
• Met the authorized budget by negotiating economic agreements with main suppliers and planning the funding with public resources.
• Developed new design proposals through detailed drawings that allowed cost reduction during the execution of the work.
• Structured the content and generated the content of two videos presented to private and public agencies for funding.

Category: Exhibition

Elaborated a piece for exhibition which consisted of the superposition of layers with different depths and cuts and reviewed and guided research on the Postal Art Movement to interpret and conceptualize the main idea.

Category: Community Center

• Aided the AMAMBA Foundation to raise funds through planning preliminary budget for construction and generated and structured content for presentation.
• Defined the architectural program plan and master plan, analyzing in detail case studies of similar community projects.

Category: Offices Building

• Supervised the investigation of structural and construction systems to choose and design a structure that would fit the budget and construction time allocated.
• Led the internal work tables, abstracting all creative and technical ideas to guide new solutions and adaptations of the project.
• Coordinated 13 external specialists, construction team, management team, UAMex construction representatives and suppliers to be aligned to architectural plan and budget ceiling granted.
• Supervised construction to fulfill quality standards by managing the internal team on changes or adjustments on plans for the construction company.

Category: Housing

Designed 11 different housing projects, scales ranging from 1,162 sq ft to 17,880 sq ft.
• Collaborated to generate a habitable module that could adapt to different places and student densities, working on the proposals for the minimum module and elaborating economic scenarios to evaluate economic feasibility and risks of the project.
• Conceptualized the volumetric and functional designs of the houses, giving indications to the plans to polish the proposals, indicating structural criteria, and quantifying volumetrics to prepare construction budgets.
• Proposed remodeling projects for 4 houses ranging from 145 sq ft to 3,606 sq ft, supervising topographic surveys, defining the design guidelines and drawing them digitally, and coordinating the execution of the project on-site.

Category: Commerce & Cultural

• Collaborated in the analysis of the architectural program suggested by the Client to compare it with the real demand for services on the site, designing the main squares of the route, as well as the program they contained.
• Assisted in generating the project in 3d structured and made the content of the presentations for the Valle de Bravo City Council.
Adobe (InDesign, Illustrator & Photoshop)
Spanish (native)