Bleknade retuscher -En fallstudie av optiskt förändrade retuscher på en målning av Albert Gleizes

Marlen Angelica Lundqvist
Kandidatuddannelsen i konservering

This study discuss and investigate faded retouches. The main purpose has been to analyze blue paint samples from the artwork I´Ecole de Pharmacie by french artist Albert Gleizes, in Skissernas Museums art museum’s collection.

Analysis with Energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDX) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy confirmed zinc white (ZnO), leadwhite, ultramarine and beeswax as binder. The exhibit conditions at Skissernas Musem in Lund with focus on light, temperature and moisture levels where measured during a year.

As a supplement a series of samples where made using the same type of pigments and binder. These where articifially aged with an Atlas-O-Meter ci3000 focusing on high light- and moisture levels. The experiment simulated 35/350 years of exposure. The samples where measured with CIELAB, L*, a*, b.* color system, FTIR and a durometer, with results showing that the samples became more fragile and also faded. No complete characterization of why the samples faded could be made.