Bodies of Water - Between Infrastructure & Atmosphere

Belinda Kjærsgaard Lund
Bygningskunst og Design
Spatial Design

The project uncovers the unexplored potential within a historical water reservoir in Tinghøj; built as a functional piece of infrastructure to collect and distribute water so essential for life. However, the subterranean space was never intended for the public to explore. Through our intervention, the space is transformed into a sensory and atmospheric experience of water, material and light.

Meditation Zone consists of Meditation room, Scent room & a water post
Meditation Zone
Salt Water & Water Lounge consists of the salt bath and a shower. The massaging pool with water hoses. The fountain, a bench hidden behind a curtain of water.
Salt Water & Water Lounge
Weather Zone consists of Steam Room, a shower, Light therapy room and Rainbow Experience
Weather Zone
High Intensity Zone consist of Hot Bath with a water post and shower. A dry sauna, Ice bah, showers and Cold bath.
High Intensity Zone
Arrival consists of three areas. A reception area, a changing area and the Ritual Bath.

Det Kongelige Akademi understøtter FN’s verdensmål

Siden 2017 har Det Kongelige Akademi arbejdet med FN’s verdensmål. Det afspejler sig i forskning, undervisning og afgangsprojekter. Dette projekt har forholdt sig til følgende FN-mål
Konkurrencer, publikationer og priser

Nominated for The Bachelor Grand from Arkitekt Foreningen.

Uddannelse og relevante kurser

Bachelor of Architecture, The Royal Danish Academy, Helhed & Del

A great understanding of the basics of Architecture. A consistant focus on the human scale and the interplay between body and architecture.

Master of Architecture, The Royal Danish Academy, Spatial Design

A focus small scale details. A wide understanding of materials and productions methods.
Andre aktiviteter

Exhibition "Growing"

An sensory exhibition that revolves around growing older made by master student at The Royal Danish Academy. The exhibition where to be shown at Expo Milan 2020 and Folkemødet på Bornholm. Cancelled due to Covid-19.

A collaboration between The Royal Danish Academy, Bevica Fonden and Fonden Ensomme Gamles Værn.

COBE, model builder

Responsible for several large scale models e.g. Christiansholm foam model 1:100

Norm Architects, internship

Designed two summerhouses in Tisvildeleje
Client & supplier contact
Sourcing materials for project over seas

Norm Architect, project employment

Finishing summerhouse in Tisvildeleje

Stock35, project employment

Designed penthouse apartment at Frederiksberg
Designed built-in furniture for various houses

JAC Studios, internship

Designed exhibition "Videnskab er lidenskab" for The Steno Museum
Designed object for exhibition for Museum Sønderjylland & The Wadden Sea Center
Client & supplier contact


The Light Lab at Royal Danish Academy, assistance

Assist teaching at the Light Lab
Administrative work
Danish, native language
English, fluent
French, great understanding
Norwegian, great understanding
Swedish, great understanding