Eloquent Metaphors of a Censored Time

Fernando Gesto Moreno
Visuelt Design
Graphic Communication Design
HK Privat Opretshavsfonds legat

Eloquent Metaphors of a Censored Time is a photography book exploring the value of metaphors as a way to communicate under the censorship of former Spanish dictator Francisco Franco. In a time in which the followers of fascism are again rising and aesthetics are defined by Social Media algorithms I aim to investigate the value of elegance and inconspicuous communication.

Initial Spreads


Image Spreads


The success of my project is defined by communicating subversive topics that challenge Franco's censorship in a nuanced and inconspicuous manner, thus avoiding detection and potential banning by the authorities contemporary to the authoritarian regime.

Considering the present stigmatisation and their controversial nature, I have decided to engage with themes such as Abortion, Trans Rights, Religious Freedom, Queer Relationships, and Masturbation in my work.

Art Directed Images

Art direction plays a very important role in attributing an image with various levels of value. It goes a step beyond simply conveying information by encompassing considerations of discourse and aesthetics allowing viewers to establish emotional connections. 

While I attended the metaphorical, aesthetic, and discoursal considerations through the process of art directing, it was the expertise of Shahab Ganavati that brought the photographs to life.

Det Kongelige Akademi understøtter FN’s verdensmål

Siden 2017 har Det Kongelige Akademi arbejdet med FN’s verdensmål. Det afspejler sig i forskning, undervisning og afgangsprojekter. Dette projekt har forholdt sig til følgende FN-mål

HK Privat Opretshavsfonds legat

Fernando Gesto Moreno har ... arbejdet med et inkluderende menneskesyn gennem design. I et forbilledligt projekt har han belyst, hvordan censur af kommunikation i 2023 stadig er et tema samt givet et yderst kompetent bud på, hvordan det kan omgås. ...Resultatet er en række billedserier udfoldet i et velkomponeret og kommunikerende publikationsdesign. Projektet er et forbillede på en grundig research, fyldestgørende teoretisk argumentering udfoldet i et visuelt design af høj kvalitet.