Forward To Nature - Daydreaming about the future of technology

Edoardo Massazza
Visuelt Design
Graphic Communication Design



Forward to Nature is a speculative design project envisioning a future where technology has been transformed into a positive and inclusive resource, benefiting not only humanity but also the natural ecosystems we inhabit.

The project aims to inspire contemplation on our responsibilities - envisioning a future where technology can foster nature instead of feeding off its resources.

In practical terms the project consists in a series of 3D animations aiming to showcase the wonders of a new beneficial relationship between humanity, technology and nature.

You will see an imaginary future human, technologically enhanced, able to foster natural growth within its path .



At present, the majority of human individuals represent organisms that negatively impact their environment. Food, heating, housing, clothing, transport... the current scale of the population, paired with the unprecedented power granted by technological progress, makes each individual's existence by default unsustainable. Our bodies indirectly consume nature just by existing.

What if climate change could subvert this dynamic by forcing us to redirect our irresponsible use of technology?

This project embarks on a journey of imagination.

Imagine a world where technology has undergone a transformative transition, becoming a positive and inclusive resource that does not consider humanity as its sole beneficiary. Envision a world in which our own physical bodies, enhanced by technology, transcend their current role as agents of damaging consumption and instead become sources of environmental benefit. Imagine our bodies, empowered by technological enhancements, capable of purifying air and fostering natural growth in their path, thereby empowering the ecosystems on which they rely. Envision a world in which technological progress and nature not only coexist harmoniously but mutually empower one another—a new scope for technology, a higher existence for humankind.

This is the vision this thesis project is willing to visualise. A world defined by a harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, illustrating the possibilities that emerge when technology is harnessed to promote ecological well-being — a world where we transform the power we hold from the self-centered, destructive force it presently is to the revitalising energy it should become.

The project's final outcome is represented by 3D-generated animations showcasing an imaginary future relationship between humanity, technology, and nature. The objective is to immerse the viewer in a fictional world of visual wonder designed to showcase an inspiring alternative to the bleak perspectives of the future that permeate our daily lives. Due to the digital nature of the project, "Forward to Nature" can be adapted and experienced across various formats and settings, ranging from video installations in museums to websites and social media platforms.

Thesis Objective


Given those initial considerations, this thesis is willing to depict a future where technologically enhanced humans possess the ability to stimulate natural growth and vitality in their immediate surroundings.

This vision involves a human form capable of sparking life and rejuvenating the natural world. By visualising this possibility, the project aims to inspire contemplation and exploration of a harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. It illustrates the potential that arises when technology is harnessed to promote ecological well-being.



Without a clear real-world problem to solve, it can be difficult to define constraints and boundaries to guide the design process. However, working with fiction also offers greater creative freedom and allows for the exploration of ideas that may not be feasible or practical in the present, thereby opening up new possibilities and discussions.

As a designer, working with fiction initially proved more challenging than expected. When everything can be freely imagined, what remains to guide design choices other than personal judgment? In other words, how should this technologically enhanced human appear if its function is entirely fictional? What shapes and components should it have? How should this future technology feel and look?

My answer to these questions was simple. The design had to be driven by values rather than function. From the beginning, this future body was not intended to be a functioning prototype but a symbol. Therefore, its design had to be guided by the concepts it aimed to express rather than practical constraints. The project's ambition was never to find applicable solutions, but rather to provide the viewer with an inspiring vision. In this perspective, the primary goal of the design process was for the future human to effectively "embody" the values and sentiments of this positive future.

Within this framework, I defined a set of core values that influenced my decisions throughout the design process. It was crucial for the depicted technology to have an organic aesthetic, seamlessly integrating with the shapes of the human body. Emphasis was placed on gentle and smooth curves, avoiding rough edges or intrusive details. The choice of materials and surfaces aimed for clarity, polish, and an ethereal quality. The overall visual look was designed to communicate luminosity, hope, and grace.

My intention was for this new human form to radiate a sense of purity and sacredness, symbolising an elevated state of human existence. Humanity transformed into a semi-divine entity, gifted with the ability to bring forth life and growth. In essence, I strived to create shapes that effectively conveyed the intended message, placing greater emphasis on their expressive power rather than their functional aspects.


Natural growth


Natural growth simulations play a central role in communicating the transformative power of the technologically enhanced human. By simulating the growth of plants and the blossoming of flowers in response to the subject's movements, the animations aim to showcase the symbiotic relationship between the human and its environment.

By combining carefully designed technological components with fascinating simulations of natural growth, the project aimed to create a compelling visual world capable of engaging and inspiring viewers to imagine the possibilities of a harmonious coexistence between humanity and nature.

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Once the imaginary future human and the growth simulation where created I was ready to make them interact with one another. 

I created some simulations in which the future human would move within a set environment generating natural growth and vitality around it. 

Video installation


The animations have been created to be ultimately implemented within a phisical exhibiting space. 

Below you can find a digital reconstruction of how they would be showcased. 


Det Kongelige Akademi understøtter FN’s verdensmål

Siden 2017 har Det Kongelige Akademi arbejdet med FN’s verdensmål. Det afspejler sig i forskning, undervisning og afgangsprojekter. Dette projekt har forholdt sig til følgende FN-mål