A generous coexistence - Municipal planning for nature preservation and collaborative survival in Denmark

Line Kaasgaard Jørgensen
Bygningskunst, By og Landskab
Urbanism and Societal Change

A generous coexistence

Municipal planning for nature preservation and collaborative survival in Denmark

The crisis of the Anthropocene calls for an investigation of how to extend human empathy to the more-than-human. This project explores how to make space for the more-than-human in the physical landscape and in the human/planners consciousness through a municipal strategy. It is a vision for sharing territory and making kin in a generous coexistence where nature and culture merge - as in witchcraft

Witchcraft as analogy for a methodological scope
The cyprianus - a guidebook from site analysis to strategic proposal

The climate and the biodiversity crisis can be seen as two consequences of the crisis of the anthropocene. Humans situated in the anthropocentric worldview, has for a long time understood nature as for human to master and exploit, leading to today’s crisis with nature catastrophes and extinction of species etc. This calls for another perception of nature.

To foster a new perception of nature, it is necessary to situate nature in human culture and vice versa and make opportunities for collaborative survival. In line with this, it is crucial to physically make more space for nature to unfold. 

Ringkøbing-Skjern municipality, on the westcoast of Denmark, is a municipality with potentials and ambitions towards planning for nature preservation. This project aims to take the initial thoughts and current methods even further, with the ambition to question status quo.

This project explores a municipal strategy for nature preservation in Ringkøbing-Skjern and what aspects to prioritize at areas of conflicting interests while using witchcraft as an analogy for a methodological scope that is able to mediate between nature/culture and more-than-human/human.

Existing nature areas
Potential nature areas
Existing and potential areas of cultural value
Strategic plan - areas for nature preservation and 3 new planning zones
A biopsy of the municipality
Coastal habitats, 2050
Lowland farmland habitats, 2050
Urban habitats, 2050
Suburban habitats, 2050
Various stones of meditation
Lowland plateau
Landscape biotope and small curated biotope
Path of native species



Various stones of meditation
Various stones of meditation in coastal context
Lowland plateau
Lowland plateau in wet meadow context
Landscape biotope
Landscape biotope in urban context
Path of native species
Small curated biotope
Small curated biotope and path of native species in suburban context

Det Kongelige Akademi understøtter FN’s verdensmål

Siden 2017 har Det Kongelige Akademi arbejdet med FN’s verdensmål. Det afspejler sig i forskning, undervisning og afgangsprojekter. Dette projekt har forholdt sig til følgende FN-mål