Haraldheim; A culture house in a historical context

Kristine Pernille Tveit
Bygningskunst og Teknologi
Bosætning, Økologi og Tektonik

The project explores the traditional house «Jærhus» in terms of climate, materials and organization. These terms are translated into a culture house, located along a walking route by a fjord (Hafrsfjord) in Stavanger, Norway. The intention is to create a place that provides a cultural experience in terms of food, art and water activities, for the locals and visitors to enjoy.

Jærhus is a type of house that is considered typical of Jæren in Rogaland county, Norway. The house type was widely used until the beginning of the 20th century. Eventually, Jærhuset was considered old-fashioned, and many houses were demolished to make room for more modern types. There are probably just over 100 Jærhus left. Few of these are from the time before 1800, and few have been preserved in their original style.

Houses were built where the landscape could provide shelter from the wind. The houses were preferably placed so that the wind from the northwest hit the gable, where "skuter" of stone took the worst of it.

The houses were built according to what was needed and what materials were available. Since the western part of the country was in lack of forests, stone and straw were used around the facade and peat was used on the roof. Peat was filled in the "skuter" and used as a replacement for firewood, while also creating insulation for the inner rooms of the house.

*A "skut" is an extension on one or both sides of the house, less often on the long side of the house (on the Jærhus, the "skuter" are always built on the short walls)

Fieldtrip in the Jæren area exploring the different aspects and materials of Jærhuset and the connection to the surroundings.
Fieldtrip Jæren
Using the qualities of Jærhuset and implementing it into my own project. The sketches explores how to create connections between the different programs based on Jærhusets construction. Especially focusing on placement, climate, materials and framing the landscape to create different views.
The site of my project is located in Møllebukta, Stavanger (Norway), close to a popular walking route by the sea. It's currently a restricted area owned by the military. The buildings on the site are not very well preserved and used for storing boats. In the project I am focusing on making the area more accessible and connecting it to the walking route.
Elevations, technical sections and renders displaying the meeting of materials and the imagined experience the visitors would have.
The program consists of 3 parts; food culture, cultural history and water culture. The intention is to create a place for locals, but also visitors. The food culture provides shelter for bad weather but also for experiencing a local traditional meal. The cultural history is a flexible space where, for instance, local artists can display their art or people kan give lectures. There's also the possibility of creating more intimate rooms displaying a variety of media. The water culture, located by the pier, gives the opportunity of renting a kayak and experiencing the area from the water.