silence of a resonating mind

- a virtual reality hand tracking experience
Nina-Franziska Helmich Christiansen
Visuelt Design
Visual Game and Media Design

Silence of a Resonating Mind is an interactive hand tracking VR experience, which invites a moment of silence for the ruminative. Based on theory of flow, emotional affect and neuroscience of psilocybin therapy within individuals suffering from depression, the experience intends to foster mental flexibility as you move through a soothing abstract world.


Inspired by the impermanence and movement of natural phenomena, comforting repetitive generative visuals invite you to reconnect with your awareness, in stillness and by moving with intuition and care.

The experience invites focused attention surrounded by audio-reactive strings and aurora gradients. From stillness, you transition into exploration of wave-like bioluminescent particles, which evolve to fully embrace you in galactic light.

Silence of a resonating mind intends to create a regenerative virtual space of slow richness to let one reenter the physical world grounded and reconnected.

Music composed by Signe Visby Nørregaard

Silence of a Resonating Mind is one of the first VR experiences which uses hand tracking to interact with a world of wave-like particles. It draws upon the mindfullness practice of shifting the feeling of conscious experience away from the centre of the body and into the surrounding environment, erasing the boundary between self and everything else. 

The experience intends to foster mental flexibility by creating a virtual experience so different from anything in the physical world, that for a short moment the inner monologue is silenced, and all there is left is pure awareness in the experience of the surrounding environment. Silence of a Resonating Mind seeks to let people with excessive rumination (as in during depression) experience how a moment of silence can be found within even the most ruminative mind.

The project is based on neuroscientific research on the effect of psilocybin therapy on individuals suffering from Major Depressive Disorder, and poses the question of how a VR experience can affect the brain in similar ways.



The generative interactive elements of the experience are developed using the Visual Effects Graph in Unity. The floor and pillow is modeled in Blender.


Det Kongelige Akademi understøtter FN’s verdensmål

Siden 2017 har Det Kongelige Akademi arbejdet med FN’s verdensmål. Det afspejler sig i forskning, undervisning og afgangsprojekter. Dette projekt har forholdt sig til følgende FN-mål
I combine algorithmic design and artistic expression in developing interactive experiences, be it virtual reality, holographic audio reactive installations or concert visuals. I often find myself jumping into the unknown of never-before-made experiences using novel technology.
Uddannelse og relevante kurser

M. Design - Visual Games and Media Design


Exchange: Graphic Design at University of Applied Arts Vienna


B. Sc. Medialogy


Academic employee at the Royal Danish Academy

Working in the VR lab in finalizing the Virtual Scenario Responder which is exhibited during the UIA World Congress of Architects

Freelance - Royal Danish Academy

Working in the Virtual Reality Lab, developing Virtual Scenario Responder.

Since winter 2021/2022, I have been developing for the research team at the Institute of Architecture and Design at The Royal Danish Academy.
They developed a tool to visualise architectural spaces in VR, and track people’s gaze and movement within these spaces. In February 2022 we did an experiment where the auditoriums of the Royal Danish Academy were built 1:1 in virtual space. People’s brain response was then measured while moving through the physical space versus the virtual space.
The results were quite groundbreaking, showing how the mental processing of participants while moving around in the most realistic virtual representation of the auditoriums (which was the most comfortable one) in VR was much higher than in the other scenarios, including the physical space.


UIA World Congress of Architects - Royal Danish Academy
Virtual Scenario Respoder Exhibited at UIA in collaboration with DTU.

Holographic audio reactive visuals in collaboration with Sharin and Louise Foo, exhibited in Vega in november/december 2022

Adfærd/Velfærd Exhibition, Virtual Scenario Responder at the Royal Danish Academy

Resonance - Angewandte Festival Vienna
Interactive hand tracking VR experience exhibited in June/July 2022
Unity - expert
Visual Effects
XR - Extended Realities (VR, AR, MR, VP)
English - Fluent
Danish - Native