A Speculative Future of Sleep: Sleep Removal Surgery

Ziyan Liu
Visuelt Design
Graphic Communication Design

Through design speculation, this project portrays a future where sleep can be removed through surgery, aims to arouse discussion and reflection on the threats of the involution issue (purposeless competitions) in China and its embodiments including the 996 (9 am-9 pm, 6days a week) work schedule. The project explores how graphic design can help a big issue that is too big to create solutions for.

The process of the Sleep Removal Surgery: "Easy. Safe. Fast. only need 5mins then you can go back to work! Keep you 24hrs hyper awake!" —— For the dynamic version (the complete experience), please visit https://www.instagram.com/sleepremoval/
Background & Story World

We are facing the development of Artificial Intelligence. As the production efficiency of it can keep improving with the development of technology, under the homogenised criteria of values in the involution society, humans will have to compete with AI in more and more industries. Then, when AI is highly developed and eventually becomes, as Vilem Flusser (1993) wrote in The Factory, "more durable and more valuable" than the human being in most industries, it seems that only by removing the physiological constraints can humans be able to compete with the robots. And sleep is the most representative one.

The story world is set in the context of fictively exacerbating involution in the next 15 years of China. In order to compete with the ever-developing AI, the duration of human sleep is constantly getting shorter. In 2035, a new generation of AI robots whose production level surpasses that of humans in most industries is produced. Based on the situation, a medical technology company invented a surgery that can eliminate sleep for humans. The "sustainable", permanent 007 (24hrs a day, 7days a week) working hours system finally becomes a reality.
Ads for the surgery
Only after having the official sleep removal surgery, can you get this conform.
24hrs worker conform

Det Kongelige Akademi understøtter FN’s verdensmål

Siden 2017 har Det Kongelige Akademi arbejdet med FN’s verdensmål. Det afspejler sig i forskning, undervisning og afgangsprojekter. Dette projekt har forholdt sig til følgende FN-mål