Sustainable food packaging strategy for Mexico

Valeria Garduño Lopez
Bygningskunst og Design
Strategic Design and Entrepreneurship

A design strategy for A better waste stream in Mexico. by making food packaging that can easily be separated for its correct sorting and management. Nudging the final user to discard the packaging correctly, the materiality communicates sustainability and the form informs how to handle the packaging once the product has been consumed. The solution decreases the use of plastic for food packaging.

The production and design acknowledges and addresses the current environmental impact.
The design proposal reduces the amount of plastic used for its production, adding a structural compostable layer for protection. By doing so the project aims to reduce the 4 tons of plastic produced yearly by the food industry in Mexico.
Final product
Strategic positioning of Maqsis: Product journey that shows the strategic positioning of Maqsis, and how by changing our production we can impact the rest of the supply chain.
Background: My family owns a packaging business I have been working with them actively and on the sidelines for almost 16 years. This is a picture from 2010, this is my mother Guadalupe the owner of Maqsis. Maqsis focuses on providing packaging solutions for food producers in Mexico and latin America.

Det Kongelige Akademi understøtter FN’s verdensmål

Siden 2017 har Det Kongelige Akademi arbejdet med FN’s verdensmål. Det afspejler sig i forskning, undervisning og afgangsprojekter. Dette projekt har forholdt sig til følgende FN-mål
Konkurrencer, publikationer og priser

1st place furniture design with Pilón

2nd place furniture design with Malka

Uddannelse og relevante kurser

Universidad Iberoamericana. Industrial Design

Generate industrial design solutions strategically, with an interdisciplinary and prospective vision, considering their environmental impact and responding appropriately to the demands of local and global contexts.
Find opportunity gaps for the creation of new products, services and systems that improve the quality of life, considering the different interest of diverse groups and sustainable development.
Generate value as a strategy for competitiveness and growth through innovative solutions.
Identify and describe social needs based on a human centered approach, based on values ​​and respect for customs and cultures.
Structured communication of the fundamentals on which your design solutions are based.

Red Box. Innovation

RedBox Academy, is an innovation training program that teaches the methodology used by RedBox in the consulting process. This same process can be replicated in any idea, industry or business challenge.

Ache Producciones, Jr. 3d Designer

Alongside the creative team conceptualize and model creative ideas or experiences according to the brands needs for btl marketing campaigns such as, stands, festivals, pr gifts, furniture, among others.
Determine materials, measurements and easy solutions for their aplication.
Drafting materials for mass production .
Being my first job, the hardest thing I had to overcome were the long sleepless workdays.

The Crew, Creative Copy, Account Executive

Conceptualize creative ideas and experiences according to our clients brief and pitching. As an account executive I was in charge of national and international brands. Part of my role was executing our concept in different countries and cities such as USA San Francisco, CAN Toronto, MEX DF, San MIguel, Los Cabos and Guadalajara
One of my challenges at this agency was the different assortment of clients, since they are much more corporate than what I was used to.

Maqsis, Design Manager, Sales Representative

Provide solutions to clients in the food industry, solutions that can push their products allowing them to provide a better experience for the end user.
Create campaigns to promote the companies vision and connect with strategic stakeholders to be able to provide innovative solutions
Spanish (native)
English (expert)