Envisioning Architectural Scales
in the Analogue and Virtual Representation of Architecture
16th EAEA Conference
30 August - 1 September 2023
Chairpersons: Anders Hermund, PhD, MAA & Anette Kreutzberg, MAA
Royal Danish Academy - Institute of Architecture and Design - Copenhagen
Conference Theme
Conference Theme
Envisioning Architectural Scales in the Analogue and Virtual Representation of Architecture.
The theme addresses both the broad theoretical and the applied use of the term ‘scale’ within the architecture and related fields. Understanding the many aspects of scale within architecture will provide a foundation for understanding scale and its impact in architecture and its representations. Scale is widely used both as a measure of geometrical space in relation to buildings and landscape in the physical and virtual world, but also as a measurement of sound, colour, light, and time. With a focus on the architectural scales in relation to all aspects of scale, the conference aims at expanding the knowledge of the use of scale in architecture.
The importance of scale as an analytical awareness on size and its relations is a phenomenon within architecture that can be addressed in numerous ways. The human scale, the scalelessness of virtual or digital models, or the scaling up and down through a variety of parameters in a representational architectural model, just to mention a few. But how can the concept of scale be used to clarify and operationalize the vast number of possible inputs influencing the creation of architecture and relate them to our physical world of living people and architecture users?
EAEA 2023 will provide an opportunity to explore and discuss architectural scale and its multifaceted definitions, uses, and impacts in manifestations of virtual or analogue architectural representations and models.
Scale as a matter of contextuality is inherent in all architectural thinking and creation. We can envision scale from many different perspectives, sometimes simultaneously and sometimes isolated through specific intentional research and experimentation. An emphasis on the awareness of the connection between different perspectives of scale within architecture could generate a deeper understanding of relations between architectural intention and outcome.
Considering the multiple applications of scale in architecture, the EAEA2023 Conference sessions will be organized in three different topics/areas of investigation, which will address several research questions. The emphasis is on envisioning architectural scales in the analogue and virtual representation of architecture. Inter-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary approaches which include architecture and related disciplines are also encouraged.
Scale and theory
Definitions of architectural scale are important to ensure a common language in addressing the build environment both in its physical, geometrical shape, but also as an aesthetic terminology that can be used to determine relation between varied sizes and their relational impact. What are we talking about with the term architectural scale? Why are the definitions important and how can they be applied effectively?
Scale and the senses
Many of the fundamental tangible traits of architecture can be measured and evoked through different uses of the term scale. How does the scalability of architectural height, width, depth, color, and light inflict the ways of thinking and working with design and research within the field? What are the key features of a scalability through the senses?
Scale and representation
The scale and scalability as applied and used in the architectural models of representation has always been a means of communication design ideas before the full-scale architecture can be built. The representation models operate through a conceptually defined use of scale, but what happens in the digital regime? Is scale and its inherent scalability in the digital realm indeed scaleless, and to what extent, and by what terms, can we address and discuss the scalability within digital and analogue architecture?
Call for Papers
Call for Papers
The process is a two-stage submission: First with an abstract, and then a full paper. Abstracts and full papers will be double-blind reviewed by an international panel of reviewers who will recommend acceptance for full papers. Its decision will be final.
The call is for abstracts of maximum 1000-1200 words plus a maximum of four illustrations and six references in Harvard style (both images and references should be included in the PDF file that is possible to attach to the submission). Author(s) should remove from the abstract all affiliations, their names, and any other information that may affect the double-blind review process.
Those whose abstracts are accepted will be invited to submit a (max) 12-page paper (minimum 8-page paper) fitting the EAEA format. Please find further details for the full paper submission in the Submission section.
The call for abstracts is closed.
Abstract submission
The call for abstracts is closed.
Paper submission
The call for papers is closed.
Camera-ready paper submission
The deadline for the camera-ready paper submission is
Monday June 12th, 2023
Templates are provided below for each conference topic. Please, check the topic and content of your contribution carefully and use the appropriate template. The file provides information on formatting and submitting the paper. Read it carefully.
Please follow the formatting rules described in the template file. Contributions submitted with incorrect formatting will be sent back to the authors for proper formatting.
Authors should have the rights to publish text and any illustrative material used in the paper. If the illustration authorship is not your own, the situation should be clarified and - if necessary - permission from the copyright’s holder should be obtained.
Authors will be asked to sign a copyright transfer agreement.
EAEA16 – Copyright Form – License Agreement (docx)
Submission of camera-ready paper >
Templates to download
Template - Camera Ready - Scale and Theory (docx)
Template - Camera Ready Scale and the Senses (docx)
Template - Camera Ready - Scale and Representation (docx)
About EAEA
About EAEA
The European Architectural Envisioning Association EAEA was founded in 1993 in Tampere, Finland, and has reconvened every two years since then. What had originally started as a platform for European academic institutes making active use of optical endoscopy instrumentation, gradually but steadily evolved into a wider range of design visualisation and simulation interests.
Over the past years, 15 successful biennial Conferences have been organized:
15 EAEA Conference | 2021 | Huddersfield | University of Huddersfield
14 EAEA Conference | 2019 | Nantes | School of Architecture Nantes
13 EAEA Conference | 2017 | Glasgow | Glasgow School of Art
12 EAEA Conference | 2015 | Lodz | University of Technology
11 EAEA Conference | 2013 | Milan | Politecnico di Milano
10 EAEA Conference | 2011 | Delft | Delft University of Technology
09 EAEA Conference | 2009 | Cottbus | Brandenburg University of Technology
08 EAEA Conference | 2007 | Moscow | Moscow Institute of Architecture
07 EAEA Conference | 2005 | Dortmund | University of Applied Sciences
06 EAEA Conference | 2003 | Bratislava | Slovak University of Technology
05 EAEA Conference | 2001 | Essen | University of Essen
04 EAEA Conference | 1999 | Dresden | Dresden University of Technology
03 EAEA Conference | 1997 | Delft | Delft University of Technology
02 EAEA Conference | 1995 | Vienna | Vienna University of Technology
01 EAEA Conference | 1993 | Tampere | Tampere University of Technology