Lyn Poon, graduate from Computation in Architecture

Since graduating from Computation in Architecture I have been working as an architect and landscape architect in roles that have allowed me to pursue designing with computational tools.

From integrating data sets into the design process to complex modelling. Working at AECOM I was able to integrate my knowledge and various workflows that I had learnt at Computation in Architecture to work on many large scale masterplans such as the Dubai Expo 2020.

With the masterplanning and landscape team, computational tools were also applied in smaller scale projects such as the redesigned and delivery of Dreamland Margate amusement park in Kent, UK. By using computational tools and methodologies we were able to streamline and effectively test and design a concept that was feasible for delivery on site within a 6 month schedule. Using computational tools allowed the team to iterate design options and output more accurate information to the contractor in order to facilitate the rapid delivery of the project.

While working at BIG - landscape team, similar design workflows were adopted to allow for the delivery of drawing sets for construction of a large public realm masterplan in Abu Dhabi.

Currently I am working at Tyrens UK where I work between the urban design and masterplanning team and the landscape team. Within the studio we are adapting the way we approach masterplanning and designing the public realm. Our approach towards digital masterplanning aims to incorporate computational methodologies and smart city thinking, that allows multidisciplinary designing and iteration during a project.