Bøger inspirerer - her er de nye !

Se et udpluk af de nye bøger, vinter 2020 (Foto: Christine Engelhardt på Pixabay.com)

Her er et udpluk af de nyeste bøger på Det Kongelige Akademis bibliotek fra vinteren 2020:

Gørrill, Helen. Women Can't Paint, Gender, the Glass Ceiling and Values in Contemporary Art, 2020.

Ryan-Collins, Josh. Why Can't You Afford a Home?, 2019.

Benedikt, Michael. Architecture Beyond Experience, 2020.

Ahmed, Sara. Et Ulydigt Arkiv, Udvalgte Tekster Af Sara Ahmed, 2020.

Edgar, Amanda Nell, and Johnson, Andre E. The Struggle over Black Lives Matter and All Lives Matter, 2020.

Bell, Duncan, and Zacka, Bernardo. Political Theory and Architecture, 2020.

Haraway, Donna. Et Cyborgmanifest, Naturvidenskab, Teknologi Og Socialistisk Feminisme I Det Sene Tyvende århundrede, 2020.

Noble, Jonathan Alfred. The Architecture of Peter Rich, Conversations with Africa, 2020.

Tobe, Renée. Film, Architecture and Spatial Imagination, 2018.

Lamm, Marc. Curved Joinery, Techniques That Will Change the Way You Work and How Your Work Looks, 2018.

Würfel, Carolin, and Kiessler, Lena. Hundertwasser For Future, 2020.

Phillips, Shane. The Affordable City, Strategies for Putting Housing within Reach (and Keeping It There), 2020.

Popova, Yulia. How Many Female Type Designers Do You Know? I Know Many and Talked to Some! 184 (2020).

Mendelsund, Peter, and Alworth, David J. The Look of the Book, Jackets, Covers, and Art at the Edges of Literature, 2020.

Townshend, Dale. Gothic Antiquity, History, Romance, and the Architectural Imagination, 1760-1840, 2019.

Vinas, Salvador Munoz. On the Ethics of Cultural Heritage Conservation, 2020.

Redeker, Cornelia, and Jüttner, Monique. Landscaping Egypt. From the Aesthetic to the Productive, 2020.

Treggiden, Katie, and Adamson, Glenn. Wasted, When Trash Becomes Treasure, 2020.

Plunkett, Drew. Taste, A Cultural History of the Home Interior, 1800 to the Present Day, 2020.

Rask, Elin. Det Kritiske Parterre, Det Kongelige Teater Og Dets Publikum Omkring år 1800, 1972.

Haller, Bent, Stage, Mads, Ill, and Homer. Odysseen, Fortalt Af Bent Haller, Illustreret Af Mads Stage, Redaktion: Per Kølle Og Carsten Meedom, 1999.

Ishida, Aki. Blurred Transparencies in Contemporary Glass Architecture, Material, Culture, and Technology, 2020.

Kallehauge, Mette Marie, Rydal Jørgensen, Lærke, and Kjeldsen, Kjeld. Anupama Kundoo, 2020.

Trubiano, Franca, Adlakha, Ramona, and Bartuskaite, Ramune. Women [Re]-Build, Stories, Polemics, Futures, 2019.