Boglancering: Sådan kan arkitektur være med til at nå FN’s Verdensmål


Online-lancering af bogen: 'An Architecture Guide to the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals Volume 2', der viser hvordan arkitektur kan bidrage til FN's Verdensmål. 

Bogen indeholder 80 projekter i alle skalaer og fra hele verden, og kan tjene som inspiration til alle, der arbejder inden for det byggede miljø. Den illustrerer at arkitektur kan yde betydelige bidrag uanset budget, ressourcer og geografi. 

Til lanceringen vil Kelly Doran (MASS Design Group), dekan Jakob Brandtberg Knudsen (Det Kongelige Akademi - Arkitektur, Design, Konservering), arkitekt og redaktør Natalie Mossin (UIA-Kommissionen for FN's Verdensmål) og flere internationale profiler diskutere eksempler fra bogen. 

Eventen foregår på engelsk. 

13.00 Introduction by Annette Blegvad, CEO of UIA 2023 CPH. 

13.05 The SDGs; their relevance and adoption by the UN by Mogens Lykketoft, Former Danish Minister of Finance and of Foreign Affairs / Former President of the United Nations General Assembly. 

13.10 The interaction between architecture and the SDGs by Natalie Mossin, chief editor, Co-Director of the UIA commission on the Sustainable Development Goals. 

13.30 ‘The Star Homes Project’ in Tanzania (SDG 3) by Jakob Knudsen, Dean, Royal Danish Academy – Architecture and owner of Ingvartsen Architects 

13.50 ‘The Rwanda Institute for Conservation Agriculture’ (RICA) in Rwanda (SDG 2) by Kelly Doran, Senior Principal in MASS Design Group. 

14.10 Debate: The role of architecture in fulfilling the SDGs and the overarching ambition of leaving no one behind. Moderated by Natalie Mossin, chief editor. 

Ishtiaque Zahir Titas, Director at VITTI Sthapati Brindo Ltd; Co-Director of the UIA Commission on the Sustainable Development Goals Isauro Torres Negri, Chilean ambassador to Denmark Ramatu Aliyu, Ph.D., Principal at Planned Shelter Consult; Member of the UIA Commission on the Sustainable Development Goals