Anne Holtrop: Archival Interiors and the Ground
Public online lecture by Anne Holtrop, Architect and Associate Professor at ETH Zürich.
The lecture is part of the summer school 'Archival Interiors'. Through the notions of materiality, media, and archives, the summer school examines the concept of an ever-expanding great indoors that currently shapes our spatial imagination - for example, of the digital cloud, of social media networks, and of access to global information.
We will study the materials and spaces that store and mediate data. Our starting point will be elemental media - the air and clouds, ice, water, the ground - and how the concept of archiving affects our planetary imaginaries.
In the three public lectures, professor Mark Wigley will discuss his latest work on ‘Konrad Wachsman’s Televion’, curator Marianne Krogh will tell us about the Danish Pavilion (2021) at the Venice Biennale and architect Anne Holtrop will give insight into his work.
The lecture series is funded by Cirrus and is associated with the Royal Danish Academy - Center for Interior Studies and Center for Privacy Studies.