High Quality Architecture and the Built Environment: A political goal

08.30 - 10.00

UIA Congress - Bella Center
Center Boulevard 5

Ticket for UIA Congress needed

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness within the European political realm of the positive contribution a high-quality built environment can make to the common good – there is a consensus on the fact that a high-quality built environment is a driver of economic growth, social cohesion, climate resilience and cultural vibrancy.

Several recent policy initiatives have put a strong focus on the need to adopt an holistic, culture-centred approach to the built environment and elevate architecture to a higher political level. These initiatives build momentum for changing the mindset of political and economic stakeholders, raise awareness about the importance of the built and non-built environment for our well-being, provide powerful incentives to market players and ultimately contribute to achieving greater quality in our built environment.

The workshop will present and discuss recent policy initiatives in Europe that can be regarded as good practices. In particular, participants will learn about new national architectural policies, the Davos process, the concept of Baukultur and the New European Bauhaus initiative.

Speakers will share their views on the following issues:

  • How to instill high-quality architecture and Baukultur principles in public policies?
  • How public policies can contribute to achieving a high-quality built environment?
  • How economic operators can be encouraged to favour quality approaches and adhere to high-quality Baukultur principles?
  • What tools do we need to assess Baukultur and quality in the built environment?


  • Natalie Mossin - President of Congress, Head of Institute, Royal Danish Academy
  • Tillman Prinz
  • Ruth Schagemann
  • Ruth Reichstein
  • Oliver Martin
  • Donatien Kasseyet Kallume
  • Marta Vall-Llossera
  • Helena Bjarnegård