On the Politics of Spatial Production - A Tale of Grassroots Neighbourhood Reactivation in Milan

15.00 - 16.00

Royal Danish Academy
Danneskiold-Samsøes Allé 53
Copenhagen K

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Kandidatprogrammet 'Spatial Design' inviterer til åben forelæsning om den særlige rolle, selvorganiserede borgerfællesskaber kan spille i forhold til udviklingen af byer. 

Self-organized communities are more and more often actors of urban change. Through awareness of social, political, and economic dynamics, community-led initiatives of urban commoning are challenging market-driven modes of spatial production.

Through an interdisciplinary approach drawing on Harvey, Braidotti and Stavrides this lecture will reflect upon the core value, practices and challenges met by the Art Workers activists in Molise Calvairate neighbourhood in Milan. 

Delfino Sisto Legnani - DSL Studio

It reflects on a new, radicalized form of participation, where the distinction between designers and users collapses, leaving space for a comprehensive concept of “commoner” as an active citizen who is at once actor and agent of change.

The public talk is part of the master’s programme Spatial Design’s lecture series about re-appropriation of historical spaces.

About Nadia Bertolino
Nadia Bertolino, PhD, is an architect, writer and educator concerned with ethical design practices in response to socio-spatial inequalities and environmental emergency. Formerly, Nadia coordinated the Master’s Degree in Architectural Design at Sheffield School of Architecture and she was Senior Lecturer in Architectural Theory and Department Head of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at Northumbria University, Newcastle.Nadia’s writings are published in journals including: New Geography (Harvard University Press), Space and Culture (SAGE), Graz Architecture Magazine, Parol: Quaderni d'Arte ed Epistemologia, Lo Squaderno.