
Jeannette Loua
Bygningskunst og Design
Furniture Design - Products, Materials and Contexts

Every week tons of donated clothes are being shipped to Africa from the West, and in Ghana, 40 percent of that clothes ends up in unregulated landfills, causing environmental pollution. Re:Tex aims to reduce the environmental footprint of textile waste in Ghana and create job opportunities, by developing implementable textile methods, that recycles textiles waste and creates a new unique material

The challenges of donated clothes from the west: We buy more clothes, than we have ever before. That has also increasedthe amoun

A small selection of pictures taken during the development of our sustainable textiles

Re:Tex proces
Re:Tex sample: Re:Tex sustainable textiles, made with 50 percent recycled textile and 50 percent virgin materialThese textiles a
Re:Tex sample: Re:Tex sustainable textiles, made with 50 percent recycled textile and 50 percent virgin materialThese textiles a
Re:Tex sample: Re:Tex sustainable textiles, made with 50 percent recycled textile and 50 percent virgin materialThese textiles a
Re:Tex sample: Re:Tex sustainable textiles, made with 50 percent recycled textile and 50 percent virgin materialThese textiles a

Det Kongelige Akademi understøtter FN’s verdensmål

Siden 2017 har Det Kongelige Akademi arbejdet med FN’s verdensmål. Det afspejler sig i forskning, undervisning og afgangsprojekter. Dette projekt har forholdt sig til følgende FN-mål