Leksand: Longing for it and Belonging in it

Anna Naishorwa Charlesdotter Ndangoya Palmcrantz
Bygningskunst og Kultur
Political Architecture: Critical Sustainability

My work concerns the rural Sweden - more precisely my own childhood town Leksand, in the region of Dalarna. I explore in what ways the collective identity has the ability to include and at times exclude members of the same territory. I have created a Youth Platform in the local train station to encourage the individual communities within the society to form bonds and exchange cultures and ideas with one another. My work seeks to investigate the terms and conditions in which we can meet as equals within the shared space of a society, despite the many differences wether it be culturally, ethnically or economically. I use the “waiting room”  in its litteral sense and as a symbol for teens, immigrants and passengers and the state of transition they all seem to share in contrasting ways.  


Det Kongelige Akademi understøtter FN’s verdensmål

Siden 2017 har Det Kongelige Akademi arbejdet med FN’s verdensmål. Det afspejler sig i forskning, undervisning og afgangsprojekter. Dette projekt har forholdt sig til følgende FN-mål