
Behaving Architectures
Mette Ramsgard Thomsen, Karin Bech, Kristine Agergaard Jensen, Lisa Uhlmann
Bitten Hegelund (Danmarks Design Skole, Textile Design), Marie Lund (Danmarks Design Skole, Textile Design)

A poetic investigation on material specification by CITA

Blush was made for the Lisbon Architecture Triennale at the Berado Museum as part of the exhibition “How to live in a soft space…”. Blush investigates how placed patterns as a model for site specific materials. The tablecloth is developed as an integrated part of the table, draping the surface in rich folds. As the drapery thickens the folds intensify in deep colours ranging from green across to red.

Using placed patterns we developed the colouring the surface using digital printing. Each print is developed in direct relation to the pattern allowing us to design the colour in respect to the geometry and behaviour of the material. Blush is made in a rich silk satin that allows for soft drapery.