vingelodden - new depositing in old places
mapping planning as it moves and the powers at play

The end of the rail-tail - a park vague in Copenhagen

Lea Ingemann Bjerg
Bygningskunst og Kultur
Political Architecture: Critical Sustainability

The 'terrains vague' in the fabric of Copenhagen are disappearing. Attractive for developers and city lawmakers these voids are dubbed as empty squaremeters and turned into new residential neighborhoods. And so Vingelodden in outer Nørrebro is one of the last places of its kind; vast, quiet, strange. 
Challenging the projected residential plans for site, normative notions of recreation and the strict boundaries of planning stipulations, I seeks to ascribe value to a most un-listed bundle of squaremeters. 

Vingelodden is, in this project, envisioned as a 'park vague' where cloudburst infrastructure and large scale industrial depositing meet spaces and paths for contemplation, baby strolling, sun catching, one-on-one talks and spontaneous gatherings. At plan level the proposal marries technical and recreative areal usage and the privileges that come with each. On the ground the park retains a vast open surface for changing circumstances, but punctures the surface by a series of lasting insertions, creating zones of usage and intuitive paths around the area. 

A new neighbourhood is not a place
A new green neighbourhood is not a place
A new mixed neighbourhood is not a place
It’s a figure of speech


Lentil soup
The plumbers pick n mix


34,000 square meters is not a place
34,000 square meters cannot be felt
Unlike this place
And the distant noise

Det Kongelige Akademi understøtter FN’s verdensmål

Siden 2017 har Det Kongelige Akademi arbejdet med FN’s verdensmål. Det afspejler sig i forskning, undervisning og afgangsprojekter. Dette projekt har forholdt sig til følgende FN-mål