Ph.d.-forsvar: Architecture and (Waste) Wood
Det Kongelige Akademi - Arkitektur, Design, Konservering
Auditorium 5
Danneskiold-Samsøes Allé 53
1435 København K
Xan Browne forsvarer sin ph.d.-afhandling: Architecture and (Waste) Wood: Integrating material traits into structural applications. Der er offentlig adgang til forsvaret, som vil foregå på engelsk.
13:00 Welcome and presentation of chairperson, assessment Committee, supervisor and author
13:05 Xan Browne presents his dissertation: Architecture and (Waste) Wood: Integrating material traits into
structural applications
13:50 Short break
According to the ’Ministerial Order on the PhD Course of Study and the PhD Degree’ the chairperson may invite the audience to contribute with short statements. Such intentions should be addressed to the chair of the Assessment Committee during the break.
14:00 Olav Fløttum Kristoffersen, Professor, NTNU in Trondheim, Norway
14:30 Niels De Temmerman, Professor, Vrije Universiteit Brüssel, VUB Architectural Engineering (ARCH), Brussel, Belgium
15:00 Phil Ayres, Professor, Royal Danish Academy – Institute of Architecture and Technology, (Chair of the Assessment Committee)
15:30 Comments from the auditorium
The Assessment Committee evaluates and makes the concluding remarks closure of session.
Assessment Committee
- Olav Fløttum Kristoffersen, Professor, NTNU in Trondheim, Norway
- Niels De Temmerman, Professor, Vrije Universiteit Brüssel, VUB Architectural Enginee
ring (ARCH), Brussel, Belgium - Phil AyresProfessor, Royal Danish Academy – Institute of Architecture and Technology, (Chair of the Assessment Committee)
Principal Supervisor
- Olga Popovic Larsen, Professor, Royal Danish Academy - Institute of Architecture and Technolog (Chair of the defence)
Industrial Supervisor
- Magnus Sølvhøj Kühn, Head of Technical Design, Lendager Architects, Copenhagen
Industrial Co-Supervisor
- Nikolaj Callisen Friis, Architect, Lendager Architects, Copenhagen
The thesis is available to look through for interested persons at the Library of Architecture, Design and Performing Arts, Danneskiold-Samsøes Allé 50, 1434 Copenhagen K.