Agonistic Re-Neighbouring

Kitsupphat Na Lampang
Bygningskunst og Kultur
Political Architecture: Critical Sustainability
The visualisation of the existing and proposed strategy
Introduction to context
Introduction to context
Introduction to context
Introduction to context

Influenced by Chantal Mouffes's agonistic perspective, this project embraces conflict as crucial for democracy. It aims to reconcile adversaries differing interpretations while considering marginalized communities; interests and cultural identity, alongside the state's development plan and upcoming gentrification in the context of Thailand.

Due to rampant urbanization, Chiang Mai has developed in an unorganized manner.

In 2016, the Major of Chiang Mai City initiated a plan to promote the city as a world heritage site. However, since then, Chiang Mai has faced the challenges of gentrification, particularly in the Mae Kha area. This has resulted in the displacement of local communities and a loss of cultural identity. This would displace 2,139 households from the 20 communities along the canal, predominantly comprising lower socioeconomic groups which are the backbone of the city's economy.


Existing Condition
The existing conditions images
The existing conditions images
The existing conditions images
The existing conditions images
The existing conditions images
The existing conditions images
The existing conditions images
The existing conditions images

This project focuses on the communities located between the remaining earthen wall and the canal. These areas still have clear traces of the earthen walls. This narrow but densely packed area between the distinctive urban fabrics has an unusual spatial character. The built environment within this area exhibits a range of features that reflect the complex relationship between the existing features and the built environment. These include the use of earthen walls to create a sense of privacy for homes, the integration of the wall as an entrance gate or fence, and the construction of houses over the canal. These features serve to illustrate how people respond to and integrate environmental features within their built environment.

The dual investigated sites

The site I studied consists of two areas, which were deliberately selected due to their walls being remarkably well-preserved, making them unique within the vicinity. These walls hold considerable significance for the local communities.

Furthermore, it is important to note that the buildings in this area will be influenced not only by the reclamation of public space from the canal side but also by the presence of earthen walls. This aspect adds an extra layer of complexity to the project, posing an additional challenge.

The images of site investigation.


The foundation of the new strategy lies in original government strategies and meeting the requirements of local people.

The foundation of the new strategy is rooted in originally purposed government strategies and the involvement of local communities. By recognizing the value of established government approaches and engaging wit11 the specific requirements of the local population, a fresh and effective strategy can be developed

The proposed approach draws upon the third area improvement approach set forth by the central government while prioritizing the needs and perspectives of community members. This serves as a guiding principle for policy design and adaptation, ensuring that the development of the area aligns with the specific needs and aspirations of the community


Investigated local technique

To explore an alternative proposal that takes into account both government objectives and local needs and identity, my initial approach involved studying modern building techniques alongside local practices of building intervention.

Strategy #1: Adaptive Platform: Lift and move

The first strategy involves creating a platform that serves as an infrastructure, allowing individuals to utilize both the space below and above for housing or public purposes, based on demand. This approach aims to preserve the identity of the buildings by lifting and moving the houses onto the platform, thus minimizing the need for relocation.



Strategy #1: Adaptive Platform: Lift and move
Strategy #1: Adaptive Platform: Lift and move
Strategy #1: Adaptive Platform: Lift and move
Strategy #1: Adaptive Platform: Lift and move
Strategy #1: Adaptive Platform: Lift and move
Strategy #1: Adaptive Platform: Lift and move
Strategy #1: Adaptive Platform: Lift and move
Strategy #1: Adaptive Platform: Lift and move
Strategy #1: Adaptive Platform: Lift and move
Strategy #1: Adaptive Platform: Lift and move
Strategy #1: Adaptive Platform: Lift and move
Strategy #1: Adaptive Platform: Lift and move

The Strategy #2: Slice and Preserve

The second strategy aims to address the issue of displacement and preserve the marginal identity of the local community by proposing an alternative approach that is in line with the state's development goal. The strategy involves removing or subtracting portions of existing buildings in restricted or setback areas to reduce Informal settlements without relocation. This way, the local identity can be preserved through their built environment, materiality, and way of life. Moreover, the materials from the dismantled buildings can be reused to extend or supplement other houses that need modification, especially those located in setback areas.


The Strategy #2: Slice and Preserve
The Strategy #2: Slice and Preserve
The Strategy #2: Slice and Preserve
The Strategy #2: Slice and Preserve
The Strategy #2: Slice and Preserve
The Strategy #2: Slice and Preserve
The Strategy #2: Slice and Preserve
The Strategy #2: Slice and Preserve
The Strategy #2: Slice and Preserve
The Strategy #2: Slice and Preserve

To ensure the appropriate preservation of the community’s identity, the selection of the strategy is primarily influenced by the condition of the building, which determines the most suitable approach. Initially, a preliminary screening will be conducted based on the building’s size. Subsequently, the buildings will be categorized further based on their construction materials, considering their compatibility with the area’s characteristics while ensuring they do not impose excessive burdens on the users.


This additional information will be incorporated into the Down-Side-Up policy manual book.


The diagram illustrates the timeline of the intervention technique implemented in collaboration with neighborhood residents. As a result, people now have access to a social space beneath the buildings.

The timeline of the intervention technique
The timeline of the intervention technique
The timeline of the intervention technique
The timeline of the intervention technique
The timeline of the intervention technique
The timeline of the intervention technique
The timeline of the intervention technique
The timeline of the intervention technique
The timeline of the intervention technique
The timeline of the intervention technique

By selectively slicing buildings to create public spaces, upcycling materials from the demolition process, and lifting the structures onto platforms, we can enhance the buildings, establish connections with external spaces, and create new usable areas for owners and community activities.

The intervention on the 1st site
The intervention on the 1st site
The intervention on the 1st site : Existing
The intervention on the 1st site : Proposed
The intervention on the 1st site : Existing
The intervention on the 1st site : Proposed
The intervention on the 2nd site
The intervention on the 2nd site
The intervention on the 2nd site : Existing
The intervention on the 2nd site : Proposed
The Existing and Proposed visualisation
The visualisation of the proposed strategy
Intervention model
Program book
Intervention manual book

Down Side Up_intervention_policy_manual

Det Kongelige Akademi understøtter FN’s verdensmål

Siden 2017 har Det Kongelige Akademi arbejdet med FN’s verdensmål. Det afspejler sig i forskning, undervisning og afgangsprojekter. Dette projekt har forholdt sig til følgende FN-mål
Experienced architect with more than five years of experience working in creative small-scale and professional large-scale architectural companies. Possesses strong organizational skills, self-motivation, and proficiency in both manual ana digital tools
Konkurrencer, publikationer og priser

2022 Architectural competition Microhome: small liveing, huge impact #4

Shortlist Projects

2014 Kumamoto Artopolis : International Symposium in Asia

2 prizes from the competition
1. Honorable Mention Prize
2. Citizen Popular Vote Prize
Uddannelse og relevante kurser

2021-2023 M.Arch - the Royal Danish Academy

M. Arch - Royal Danish Academy
Political Architecture: Critical Sustainability (PA:CS) - Institut for Bygningskunst og Kultur (IBK)

2010 - 2015 B.Arch - Chulalongkorn University

B. Arch - Chulalongkorn University
Department of Architecture
Bangkok, Thailand

Student assistant at ALL THAT MATTERS

Copenhagen, Denmark
Design, 2D and 3D modeling, presentations, and communication with external teams.

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Architects49 limited
Bangkok, Thailand
Design, 2D and 3D modeling, presentations, and communication with external teams.

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Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
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3D SketchUp
Autodesk Revit