Inner Glow
“As we sense, we also make sense”
-Waskul & Vannini, ‘08
This work is born from a great fascination with tactile matter and sensuousness.
Inner Glow aims to capture and convey an internal radiance that shines from within, both in term of the physical light inside the sculptures & the potential hidden in discarded waste-material.
An interplay of clay, waste-materials, colors, light, reflections & shapes creates a universe of wonder & playfulness and seeks to evoke a sense of inner warmth, wonder, serenity, and emotional resonance.
Most of all Inner Glow aims on creating a moment for sensing.
My work is driven by an urge to discover something, I couldn’t have planned or thought out in advance. I strive to push the boundaries of the materials, clay and glaze, in my search of something unexpected unfolding and I value the element of surprise in my process.
Whether it being an #oddlysatisfying video or the Northern Lighting, my inspiration is very much connected to sensuousness, colors, materiality, and tangibility. I am deeply fascinated with the malleable qualities of clay and glaze. It especially intrigues me, how the materials have the power to envelop our senses and evoke feelings of wonder, playfulness, and satisfaction.
I am drawn towards objects, matter, and material one can’t help but touch and interact with – objects, that evoke feelings and connects us to our physical world. From the wide variations in color and texture to the infinity possibilities in form and design, I feel these materials truly offer endless opportunities for exploration and experimentation.