Fire as a Design Parameter


Can fire be a key driver of architectural development? 

At the exhibition '70 % Less CO2' you can explore the project 'Fire as a Design Parameter'.

Achieving the Danish Government’s target of reducing carbon emissions by 70% before 2030 requires building projects to be based on organic materials, going forward. At the same time, this will make our buildings more combustible, which is not permitted within the current scope of the Construction Act.

This necessitates taking a holistic approach to fire safety in the building project. This is because the fire hazard associated with a building is not only determined by the combustibility of the materials. The building’s geometrics, level of detail and overall structure are just as important in determining the potential fire hazard.

In the project, architecture students and educators have jointly studied how fire awareness can be a positive design force in architecture and serve as a source of aesthetic and technological innovation.
