Handheld Vacuum Cleaner

Sabolch Feigler

Research Problem

People generally dislike vacuuming their homes and view it as a chore, but they enjoy living in a clean home. How can the task of vacuuming be more enjoyable for the average user?

Design Goals

Designing a hand held supplementary vacuum cleaner that would be the tool used to clean the areas the robot could not reach. The  design should not immediately recognizable as a vacuum cleaner so as to surprise the user upon discovery of its function. 

Eliminating all extra parts to get a bare bones, smaller and more compact design, with only motor and fan assemblies, batteries and debris storage dictating design.

Initial Conclusions

Many of these steps can be avoided, or minimized, using robotic vacuum cleaners that can reach most places that would require the user to get on the floor. 

Modern programmable robots clean the home autonomously, though many do not trust that the robot has cleaned the whole space and monitoring it would be a waste of time. 

The obvious next step is feedback from the machine in order to know what the it has done. 

Design Theory

+/- Affect 

Affect is a system of judging what is good and bad, safe or dangerous and allows us to make value judgements to help us survive. 

Negative affect gives us focus to concentrate on a topic without distraction, a feeling of anxiety, and concentrating on the details before seeing the big picture. 

Positive affect makes us happy and relaxed and less focused. We are more likely to be open to interruption, be creative, curious and  see the big picture.

Affect in Design

Products that us positive affect, make us relaxed and happy allow us to overlook or cope with minor problems with a device especially if it’s fun to work with. 

When a user is in a stressful environment or is anxious, the designer must make sure all information vital to the task is readily available, visible, clear with unambiguous feedback about the operations the device is performing.

Found Images for product inspiration
Vacuum from back
Vacuum from front
Exploded view
Front detail
Back detail
Back separating from extension tube
dust bin open

Design Features

The design borrows inspiration from a number of iconic Braun objects and fits with the brand identity of being classic but not nostalgic. 

The ion cloud emanates from the small hole beside the light on one side. Both are turned on by pressing the yellow button on the side of the device. 

The slide away attachment shows battery level and when to empty the dustbin in glowing lights.

The removable section slides apart to empty the dust. The cyclone is housed within the yellow tube to filter out the finer dust particles so they can not get into the motor. 

Cleaning over head
Cleaning hard to reach areas
Removing surface tool
Cleaning radiator
Cleaning table top