The Art of Well-being

Silje Alberthe Kamille Friis, Annegrete Mølhave
Velliv Foreningen, Design Denmark, Forbundet for Arkitekter og Designere

How to improve well-being in the design industry?

Many designers sometimes have a challenging, pressured working day. This is especially true for freelance designers, who need to balance all the practical tasks — marketing, project management, networking, finance — with the actual process of creating and designing.

The research project ‘The Art of Well-being’ looks at how art- and nature-based interventions in design practice can create well-being and promote mental health for designers who have precarious working conditions and one-person businesses. Studies show that even short courses of workshops based on art and nature therapy help professional designers to rediscover and maintain balance in their working lives. The result is an open visual guide and a toolbox for anyone working in the field of development.