Developed Surfaces (2007-2008)

As part of a series of workshops conducted by CITA and Department 7, KADK.
Developed Surfaces
The leftover of modernity is the belief in material as the only ornament of architectural surfaces and the separation of skeleton and skin in the tectonics of houses. New computational tools and manufacturing processes question this approach and allow new concepts, new understanding of surface and form. They question the way concepts are made as static result of a (long) thinking process, but allow the integration of dynamic properties as well as a parametric setup of concepts. They allow new processes of form thinking and -finding and generate an intuitive understanding of formmaking These tools enable designers to create concepts with a complete new understanding of form, whose first outcomes can be seen erected these days all over the world.

What happens if we leave the understanding of building as being divided in slab, ceiling and column? How could space work, if the means of architectural thinking (and produc-tion) allow a complete new range of spatial experiences and links between functions? How can we enter design under this new circumstances?

All images are from student work, and credits apply accordingly.