Epicycle - Work in Progress


How can recycling glass contribute to the development of new aesthetic options?

At the exhibition '70 % Less CO2' you can explore the project 'Epicycle - Work in Progress'.

The project examines the artistic qualities of recycled glass in a design-led convergence of craft art and architecture. It envisages how tectonic aspects of building projects can be developed in an artistic dialogue with this material.

Glass is primarily made up of sand, and as the world’s sand resources will soon be depleted, it is necessary to begin using recycled glass. Glass can be recycled ad infinitum without losing its material qualities, and it does not emit any toxins when remelted. This eliminates the need to produce virgin molten glass and operate inexpedient sand mining.

Instead, these artistic spheres of action can incorporate sustainable principles and contribute to new circular activities without using any virgin materials at all.
