26.02.2025 Forskning og innovation Sundhed og trivsel i arkitekturen: Hvad har vi lært af coronapandemien?
Arrangement 15.00 - 16.00 06.03.2025 Forfattersalon #6: Peter Bertram om sin nye bog THE DRAFTY HOUSE
Åben forelæsning 16.30 - 17.30 06.03.2025 Smooth City: against urban perfection, towards collective alternatives
Blog for CollectionCare The CollectionCare project is aimed to develop an innovative system for preventive conservation of cultural artefacts targeting the needs of small to medium-sized museums and collections. 25.05.2022 The CollectionCare project has entered its final months 30.03.2022 Micro-CT scanning for verification of microcracks in paintings 24.02.2022 Astrid Valbjørn Nielsen Canvas analyses: Stress strain tests 20.12.2021 Astrid Valbjørn Nielsen New promotional video out now 19.11.2021 Astrid Valbjørn Nielsen Paper about canvas related microcracks is now published open access 05.11.2021 Astrid Valbjørn Nielsen Canvas analyses: Tensile tests 20.09.2021 Astrid Valbjørn Nielsen A visit from Valencia 17.08.2021 Astrid Valbjørn Nielsen Simulation of desiccation of a canvas painting 13.07.2021 Astrid Valbjørn Nielsen Canvas analyses: cover factor and spinning degree Sideinddeling Nuværende side 1 Side 2 Næste side Se alle Det Kongelige Akademis blogs
19.11.2021 Astrid Valbjørn Nielsen Paper about canvas related microcracks is now published open access