The Ergonomy of Type – Visual performance-guided Font Design

14.00 - 16.30

Det Kongelige Akademi // online via link above

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Octavio Pardo defends the dissertation 'The Ergonomy of Type – Visual performance-guided Font Design'. The defense is open to the public.


14:00   Welcome and presentation of chairperson, Assessment Committee, supervisor and author

14:05   Octavio Pardo presents his dissertation: The Ergonomy of Type – Visual performance-guided Font Design

14:50   Short break

According to the ’Ministerial Order on the PhD Course of Study and the PhD Degree’ the chairperson may invite the audience to contribute with short statements. Such intentions should be addressed to the chair of the Assessment Committee during the break.

15:00   Mary Dyson, Senior Visiting Research fellow, Department of Typography & Graphic Communication, School of Arts and Communication Design, University of Reading, Reading

15:30   Maria Lonsdale, Professor, School of Design, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom

16:00   Alessandro Canossa, Associate Professor, Institute of Visual Design, Royal Danish Academy – Architecture, Design, Conservation, Copenhagen Denmark

Comments from the auditorium

16:30   The Assessment Committee evaluates and makes the concluding remarks

Assessment Committee

  • Mary Dyson - Senior Visiting Research Fellow, Department of Typography & Graphic Communication, School of Arts and Communication Design, University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom
  • Maria Lonsdale - Professor, School of Design, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom
  • Alessandro Canossa - Associate Professor, Royal Danish
  • Academy - Institute of Visual Design, Copenhagen, Denmark (Chair of the Assessment Committee)

Principal Supervisor

  • Sofie Beier - Professor MSO, Royal Danish Academy – Institute of Visual Design, Copenhagen, Denmark (Chair of the defense)

The thesis is available to look through for interested persons at the Royal Danish Academy Library, Danneskiold-Samsøes Allé 50, 1434 Copenhagen K.