Food Scapes: Future Spaces of Sustainable Food Production
Det Kongelige Akademi
Danneskiold-Samsøes Allé 53
København K
A conference addressing the necessary and emerging restructuring of food production systems from a spatial perspective.
What role can territorial and spatial planning, and architecture play in reorienting food production toward preferable spatial, social, climatic, environmental, and biodiverse outcomes?
Who can participate
There is limited seating, so it is on a first come, first served basis. Entrance is free, but registration is required. Please use the link below.
08:30 Registration and coffee
09:00 Welcome: Lene Dammund Lund, Rektor, Royal Danish Academy
09:05 Introduction: Deane Simpson, Professor, Royal Danish Academy
09:20 Lecture: Carolyn Steel, Architect, Author of Hungry City/Sitopia, London
10:30 Coffee break
10:45 Lecture: Milica Topalovic, Associate Professor, ETH Zurich
11:45 Panel discussion I: Existing systemic conditions and barriers.
Moderator: Michael Asgaard Andersen, Associate Professor, Royal Danish Academy
Panelists representing business, environmental and political interests:
- Thomas Roland - Coop, CSR Head
- Rikke Lundsgaard - Danmarks Naturfredningsforening Land-Use Politics Senior Advisor
- Michael Minter - Concito, Program Lead: Future Foods With Carolyn Steel and Milica Topalovic
12:30 Lunch (Lunch provided for speakers and panelists)
13:30 Lecture: Line Gordon, Director, Stockholm Resilience Centre
14:00 Lecture: Vicente Guallart, IAAC, Barcelona
14:30 Lecture: Karl-Martin Buch Frederiksen, Sweco Denmark
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 Panel discussion II: Future systemic conditions: frameworks/imaginaries.
Moderator: Michael Asgaard Andersen, Associate Professor, Royal Danish Academy
Panelists representing innovation and change agendas:
- Finn Arler - Aalborg University, Professor
- Paul Rye Kledal – Researcher, Author of 500 Years of Urban Farming in Denmark
- Charles Bessard - Bessards Studio, Architect, Partner, co-maker of ReDane with Line Gordan, Vicente Guallart, Karl-Martin Buch Frederiksen
16:15 Closing comments
Tina-Henriette Kristiansan, Aleksander Nowak and Carolyn Steel
16:30 End of programme, apéro