New journal: The Funambulist - Politics of Space and Bodies

The Funambulist March/April 2016

Funambulist means tightrobe walker. It is also the name if a new magazine, which goes new ways and in many ways is a frontier.

The Funambulist - Politics of Space and Bodies is a bimonthly publication. The ambition with the journal is to bridge the gap between design/architecture and humanistic fields such as philosophy , history, geography and anthropology.

The Funambulist offers free access to books, articles and podcasts. The journal is published both in print and digitally costs 70 Euro for a 1-yesr subscription - single numbers cost 14 EUro for both a printed and a digital version. On KADK Library, you can borrow the printed numbers.

Past issues:

September-October 2015: Militarized Cities

November-December 2015: Suburban Geographies

January-February 2016: Clothing Politics

March-April 2016: Carceral Environments


Upcoming issues:

May-June 2016: Design and Racism

July-August 2016: Object Politics