Into the Outskirts. Welfare Spaces in Tønder | Kirsten Marie Raahauge

Mega Seminar: The End

Description: Mega Seminar is a Danish biannual conference for anthropologists with a new theme for each seminar. Normally around 100 anthropologists gather around a certain theme, through key notes lectures and papers in sessions, together for two days at the Sandbjerg Manor


RESEARCHER: Kirsten Marie Raahauge

PROJECT: 'Shrinking periphery'

Participation at Conference/Seminar:

Mega Seminar: The End

TITLE: ' Into the Outskirts. Welfare Spaces in Tønder'

LOCATION: Sandbjerg Estate, Sønderborg, DK

 Panel 10: At the End of the Line – Life On the Margins

Convenors: Eva Gulløv (DPU), Laust Lund Elbek (AU) and Jonas Strandholdt Bach (AU)

DATE: 16-18 August 2017

ACTIVITY:  Paper presentation about the outskirts in a session about “life on the margins”.

Relevance: Anthropology and outskirt research

RELEVANCE:  Anthropology and outskirt research




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