Job- og karrieremuligheder

Candidates will be able to make use of their skills and expertise as designers to drive strategic, sustainable change within companies, communities and organisations. 

They will be able to hold positions as head designers or heads of design studios within existing companies working with sustainability; strategic developers within the textile waste sector for circularity; design facilitators for marginalised citizens; or other types of relevant jobs.

Candidates will be particularly adept at developing design through deep user understanding. This will help them develop new target markets and leverage their profound understanding around contributing to sustainable development within an organisational context.

The programme aims to foster designers who are able to:

  • Critically engage with and navigate contemporary knowledge within sustainability, design approaches and materials
  • Apply their artistic talent to fashion, clothing and textiles concepts that are inclusive and focus on values of use and usership
  • Develop and deploy design processes and grow niche markets and target groups across the value chain of design — based on a circular mindset for planetary resilience
  • Challenge current dysfunctionalities with forward-thinking and hands-on narratives, concepts and ideas born from material design practice