Discover Diabetes - Home Test

Isabella Jin Kjær Jensen
Bygningskunst og Design
Strategic Design and Entrepreneurship

Imagine living your life without realising that you may have diabetes. Unfortunately, this is a common problem that affects 50% of people with this chronic disease.


Discover Diabetes is developed by Isabella Jin Kjær Jensen and Selma Tas. Through strategic partnerships, the duo strives to solve complex challenges into concrete concepts. The purpose is to change the status quo of health in society to ensure the stability of our healthcare systems and improved quality of life.

In cooperation with Novo Nordisk, this project aims to empower people to discover and prevent the serious consequences of undetected type 2 diabetes through a home test that is free, simple and accessible for all in need.

The project is supported by Tim Day, UX Designer, Moonshot Factory at Novo Nordisk, Karina Mose, Associate Professor, Architect MAA Industrial Designer, Elias Stenalt Werner, Type Designer, Associate Teaching Professor and Camilla Hedegaard Møller, Associate Professor, P.h.D, Head of Programme, Strategic Design and Entrepreneurship.

The problem.
The solution.
Strategic design proposal.
Strategic design proposal.
Packaging and test kit.
Digital analysis of test results.

Det Kongelige Akademi understøtter FN’s verdensmål

Siden 2017 har Det Kongelige Akademi arbejdet med FN’s verdensmål. Det afspejler sig i forskning, undervisning og afgangsprojekter. Dette projekt har forholdt sig til følgende FN-mål


I motivationen lyder det: "Through expert and user inclusion and in collaboration with Novo Nordisk, the home test is designed to be user friendly and easily integrated into existing global healthcare systems. This contributes to advancing health equity by ensuring all individuals can benefit from early diabetes detection."