Make Room – An experiment to enable sufficient urban living.

Iddo Goren
Bygningskunst og Design
Strategic Design and Entrepreneurship

Do we need more space, more buildings, and more growth on a planet that can only provide so much? Through a real-world experiment with residents in Inner Copenhagen, the project explores how we might transform and unlock the vast potential of the existing housing stock - for more people and more community, within the limits of our planet.

An overview of the project's background
Project background
The first proposed future for this building aims to begin to flatten the curve on floor space per capita at Applebys Plads, primarily by raising community awareness and support behind the social benefits of living sufficiently. We are calling it a "Community-Led Movement" - to make room for what matters most.
Future 1
“Interdependent Urban Living”. As the name suggests, we believe that enabling sufficiency means balancing individual needs for autonomy and connection. Accordingly, we asked ourselves - how much space per capita could we reduce if we met everyone’s desires for sharing and autonomy at home?
Project's Future 2
“a radical sufficiency transition”. Here, in order to move us closer towards the ambitious 20sqm target set by DTU environmental researchers, we believe we need to harness all of the data points that we collected through our platform. This means tapping into the dreams and imaginations of the residents and the services they would require to live with less space. .
Project's Future 3
Speculative Futures Overview: we believe that an experimental and incremental approach may be necessary to live within our limits. Rather than suggesting one fixed solution, We recognize that human and ecological limits are dynamic. Therefore, we propose three sufficient living futures which could harness the insights generated by our platform and lower our collective spatial consumption over time.
Ownership to Usership: Future three concept - Rather than the typical occupant having a single private home, we wanted to challenge this notion of the household, instead, providing residents with access to a much greater variety of spaces that suit their space and sharing preferences - all the way from 2-200sqm. As a result, each resident gets the freedom to access seven times the amount of space than they traditionally would!

Det Kongelige Akademi understøtter FN’s verdensmål

Siden 2017 har Det Kongelige Akademi arbejdet med FN’s verdensmål. Det afspejler sig i forskning, undervisning og afgangsprojekter. Dette projekt har forholdt sig til følgende FN-mål