
Riso Animation - Into The Nebula & The Endless Cycle

Yana Yun Lin
Visuelt Design
Visual Game and Media Design

Into The Nebula: Ambient visuals synchronized with the electronic music from Second Sun's "Into the Nebula" feature an animation made of 810 risoprinted frames, taking you on a tactile visual experience. Inspired by the timeline of our solar system, starting from the solar nebula, these visuals invite viewers to slow down and foster mental self-care. They offer a space for relaxation and deep listening, countering the frantic pace of modern life.

The Endless Cycle: Riso animation integrated on live action footage. A small sequence from a mix media short film about an young artist that tries desperately to finish a project before time runs out, and prove to her parents and herself that quitting her full time job and pursuing life as an artist was a totally responsible career move. The artist sees someone posts an amazing piece of work on Instagram and they are 10 years younger than the artist. The artist feel dead inside. They will never achieve anything.

Into The Nebula

The Endless Cycle

Det Kongelige Akademi understøtter FN’s verdensmål

Siden 2017 har Det Kongelige Akademi arbejdet med FN’s verdensmål. Det afspejler sig i forskning, undervisning og afgangsprojekter. Dette projekt har forholdt sig til følgende FN-mål

Riso Animator & Motion Graphics Designer who loves moving pixels through space. Tend to experiment with mixing analogue and digital media to create tactile outputs. Want to create meaningful design for context. 

Education & Relevant Courses

Master in Visual Game & Media Design - The Royal Danish Academy


Master in Lighting Design

One semester

Bachelor in Interactive Design – Danish School of Media and Journalism


Bachelor Semester Exchange – Queensland University of Technology

Motion Design, CGI, Creative Code, Kinetic Type Image

Bachelor in Graphic Communication - University College South Denmark

Two semesters

Scandinavian Design College

Folk High School - Graphic Design

Rødding Højskole

Folk High School - Design & Innovation
Professional Work Experience

Infographic Designer

I made infographics for weekly newspaper.

Motion Graphic Freelancer - DR Nyheder - Explainer

Made graphics to explainer videos.

Design Intern - Yoke

Made graphics for exhibition & experience design

Game Master

Escape room game master.

Junior Designer - BLAST

Made graphics for Esports Tournaments.

Production Assistant - DR Viden

Made explainer videos and graphics to Danish
Broadcasting Corporation’s website:

Graphic Intern - DR Viden

Made explainer videos and graphics to Danish
Broadcasting Corporation’s website

Visual Freelancer - Sein

I made animations and graphics for Sein's web magazine.

Infographic Animator - Kraka

Made infographic videos and explainers of Kraka's
economic analysis to social media.
IT skills
After Effects
Adobe XD
Language skills